Long blog.
I seem to have some stories I want to get recorded.
Although I am going to start with my
freakin' obsession.
My name is Michelle and I have had a slight
Archivo OBSESSION the past few days. Then realized that I haven't even been spelling the dang thing right!!!!......
So let me correct myself in spelling.
I have had a major
Arccivo OBSESSION lately.
I WANT this thing.
It has been added to the list of things that I 'want'. ;0)
Have to share that this 'obsession' almost got me 'kilt' yesterday because I was daydreaming about the
ARCCIVO and ran a stoplight.
Screeching tires and everything.
I KNOW!!!! Total idiot! I have issues, huh?
Then the second time I almost died yesterday is part of the 'little funny' from the title.
Here is the story. I am hoping that I can type the words and it will be as funny as it actually was.
Last night I was teaching and had forgotten my bottle of water.
I had some "Restore"
lemonaid-berry mints (LOVE THOSE BABIES!) and thought that I would just pop one of those until break.
During to process of putting the mint in my mouth I thought to myself "don't choke on this while you are talking".
Myself didn't listen.
The mint and become a sliver and on an inhale to begin the next
sentence I brought that little sliver of mint straight into my lungs and started choking...right there in front of the whole entire class.
OK, so I wasn't 'officially' choking because I was able to cough.
BUT the cough was coming from the very bottom of my lungs.
Those forceful coughs where your body it trying to save itself from dying.....
Well......let me tell you. I was
conscious enough to clamp down on the bottom half of my body because in old age a forceful cough and also cause some farts to escape. YES, I totally type fart! Gross I know, but image yourself in front of a class room, choking, and farting......I could not stop the choking, obviously I had already inhaled the sliver of mint, but I was doing all I could NOT TO FART.
I won't even go into the other item of concern when dealing with forceful coughs. I will just tell you that after having a 10 pound 11 oz baby boy, I am not able to jump, run, or cough very well any more........
In the end, I managed to save myself from death by coughing up the sliver of mint from my lung and I am hoping beyond hope that I didn't fart.
Can I tell you now that I am a classy kind of girlie!!
LOL! Nah...just keeping it real.
In other news.
I had said in the
beginning of the week that I was going to share a story about the
Pinta Marie replica....
In Peoria (a near by city) they had a boat that was docked off of the Illinois River and it was a replica of one of the boats that Christopher Columbus had come over on.
We all wanted to take a peek at it.
So we stopped and it was really quite neat. Everything was made out of wood...EVERYTHING. It was so much smaller than I ever imagined the boats coming over the ocean on...this caused my mind to wander about the "replica" thing. Cause it was small.
OK....so this isn't really even the point of the story.
The point of the story is that Shawn ran into his dad.
Now, this is where it gets sad and something else I can't quite put my finger on.
Shawn hasn't seen or spoken to his dad in about 7 years.
I believe that his dad has bunches of issues ranging from mental disorders to plain
ol' selfishness.
I don't say this out of bitterness or anger or even being judgemental...it is just the truth.
I am however very angry and bitter over the way Shawn's dad has hurt him.
The saddest part is that Shawn was trying to decide if he should go over and say anything....I told him that he needed to because obviously if he was trying to decide then deep down he wanted to.
He decided to go over and say hi.
And his dad didn't even
recognize him.
That was heartbreaking to me because Shawn is a good man. He has done nothing wrong in all of this and he as the son and child has been hurt the worse.
After Shawn said "hi dad, it's me Shawn", his dad gave him a hug and they talked about little stuff like work, tattoos, our children growing so big (his dad hadn't seen Mason since he was less than a year old).
It was all very awkward.
Very sad.
It is then that I wonder if our children know just how very blessed they are to have parents that try so very hard to be healthy and happy and provide a safe base for them....always. I am incredibly proud of what Shawn and I have done as parents with where we have come from. It really is all about breaking the cycle and it can be done.
So there you have it.
A little funny and something else.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
To connect.
Hugs and