I uploaded some pictures today and wanted to share some of the hard work that Shawn has done to update our home. Here is the old staircase....

that matched the old wallpaper. Although the butterflies totally made me smile!!

And the new and improved solid oak staircase. I should probably get a picture of it completely finished because it really does look nice but I haven't yet. Ooops. ;o) Also should have rotated the pictures before I uploaded but I forgot until it was already done so you will just have to turn your head to the side again. LOL! Like you would expect any less from me. hehehe.

Today my mom and step dad came over for our Thanksgiving. It was
really nice. I have to say that the afternoon was more enjoyable without the stress that my sisters bring (a long dysfunctional story). It was just so nice and allowed for me to truly be thankful for my Mom and Jeff and the time we spent together. We all played Guesstures and that was a blast! I will have some pictures of that fun to share. I especially liked my mom's 'snake' imitation, Bailey's 'aroma' and a few other one that you will just have to see the pictures to appreciate.
Poor Booda is on a doggie diet of major proportions. He can only have a cup a day of this special (freakin' expensive) dog food and carrots or potatoes. He is very overweight (according to the vet) which plays a roll in his breathing problems, and he has had some extensive allergy issues. So we are doing some kind of food allergy test thing which means all he gets to eat is a cup of his dog food, carrots and potatoes.

Yes, I am a sap. LOL! I really do {{{heart}}} Shawn. What do you think of my special made apron. Taking orders...anyone want to {heart} someone or something??? ;o) I have left over iron-ons...Let me know and I will work my magic and make one for YOU because I know after you see mine, you cannot wait to get you hands on one!

OK, and as if I didn't have enough time to do the things I want/need to do such and household chores, reading, scrappin', artsy-fartys stuff, running here and there, homework, teaching....etc - I somehow got a wild hair to learn how to knit. Why? WHY NOT? But the only real answer I have is that there is this really super uber knitted messenger bag that I wanted to knit. And it is just something that I wanted to learn.

So yesterday I picked up $3 knitting needles, $2 thing (forget what it is called skein I think) of yarn, and a $10 'How To Knit' book (should have saved my ten dollars because the video I found online was so much more helpful. I am definitely a visual learner) and here I am. A total KNIT-WIT! That is what Shawn kept calling me....a knit wit. Cracked us up. Actually he kind of did that OMGoh-woman-you-do-NOT-need-another-hobby/project! Although I think he was pretty impressed with my craftiness.

My first ever knitting attempt is a Webkinz blanket for Mason's Pongo...I think that is his elephant. What do you think? Am I totally and completely going crazy? LMAO!!!!!

I agree ;o)
Hope you all are having an awesome weekend. I need to go save the hubby from the 'cop' who is going to 'mase' him with the water bottle.....maybe I will grab the camera fist. ;o)
Hugs and happies.
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