Wednesday, December 5, 2007

One down a few to go

I have completed one final exam and I have 2 more.

It makes me giddy to think of the extra time I will have without a class schedule, homework and tests to deal with! (At least until January) Hopefully I will be able to use it WISELY! That more than anything is a huge issue with me....managing my time well.

Sending out a great big GINORMOUS HUG to Leah.

Have a 'list of books to read' for 2008. Even joined the Big Picture Book Club (check it out, it's free) ->->->->-> DONNA I DID THE LINK THINGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are fabulous! Thanks for the instructional ;o) ....Back to the book stuff...I am going to keep track of my reading in 2008. Who knows maybe it will inspire a mini album or a layout. In the back of my planner I have ready my "Books that I have Read in 2008" list. It will be interesting to see how that list turns out. Leah, I know you are totally game for this too!

My timer is about ready to go off (one of the ways I am trying to manage my time better, LOL) so I had better wrap it up for today.

Hope you hump day is a good one!
Hugs and happies.


Leah said...

I'm going to check this out for sure, and let you know how it goes. I have also wanted to join a book club, and never have. Take care =)

dr said...

Yeah!!!! Never thought I'd be the one teaching someone something on a computer. I am on my from computer illiterate to novice. hee hee
Going to check out the book club.
Merry Christmas!!