Monday, November 12, 2007

Coughing and Hacking and Snuffling

Yep. Total good times here at the Moore household.
I think we all have a version of it.
My particular 'bug' seems to linger....freakin' forever!!!
I am still hacking away.
Kept Shawn up last night and that man can literally sleep while walking, driving, through a you know it must have been bad.

So a bit of a long rambling blog here to catch up.

First, I have to let those that participated or just went along that we are letting the Why Not? blog go. It is a great idea and a uber cool concept, we just don't have the time to put into it. Heck, I have barely made time for taking pictures as of late. Sometimes it just seems like a hassle. So, I let it go. Big huge hugs and thank yous to those that posted pictures. It was so cool to see what everyone came up with.

Have to mention a pet peeve of mine at the college I am attending. I get there, look in the first lot for a parking spot - nothing, so I move to the second lot - nothing, then park in the third lot (right next to Canada) and walk back to the school, only to walk right by three available spots in the first lot. Go figure. LOL! I don't mine the walking but when it is raining or I am running late, or the bitter cold wind is blowing....I just want to get inside, not hike a 10 mile trek. ;o)

We had parent teacher conferences last week. All is well. Mason's teachers only complaint was that she "wished he could just enjoy being a third grader"....SO DO I. He seems to be going through a phase. I think that it is coming to an end (or maybe it is my wishful thinking) but we are working on techniques that seem to be working.

And speaking of parenting (don't know if I was really speaking of parenting but it sounding like a good transition) found something in a book that I am finishing called Girls Will Be Girls (Raising Confident and Courageous Daughters) by JoAnn Deak, PhD that completely turned on a light of understanding for me. The book was discussing the time when girls (I think teen works here too) begin to let go of thier 'adult anchors' for independence yet this age is such an incredibly hard time to do this so "they enter the cocoon of cliques. Surounding oneself with those who look alike, talk alike and act alike makes the world feel safer and allows this movement away from the influence of significant adults to be more comfortable." This whole entire school year I have been on Bai to be different...that she doesn't have to dress like everyone else, that it is OK to have your own opinion.....and the whole time, she was needing the cocoon of cliques as a stage of growing. An AHA moment for me.

Alright, Shawn is home and the beast is hungry so I need to get some dinner started.
Hugs and loves.


Leah said...

Well I sure hope you stop hacking soon. Hope you also have better luck finding a parking spot. The up side to parking in "Canada" is that you are closer to me. LOL

dr said...

Hope all in your fam are doing well.
I've got a trick I learned in college. Get to the first parking lot & park or stop behind the parked cars. Leave enough room so if others can get by you and you won't be blocking the flow of traffic. As you sit there watch the people heading for their cars, you will see someone getting in their car and pull around and wait for them to leave. Then bam- you've got your parking spot. I promise it works and you will eventually start noticing the same peeps and know what they drive so you can stop closer to their car.