Thursday, October 25, 2007

Working on...

Been working on some stuff.

Have a few tags that I am working on answering (will post them soon I hope).

Working on getting Mason feeling better. He is home sick today. Think his body is fighting a bug. He is such a drama queen about taking medicine that he gags and .... well, it is work.

I will be teaching a beginning scrapbook class at the local community college and have been working on harnessing all of my ideas for that. So completely stoked and cannot wait to share my passion to get others started in this 'obsession' of ours.

As always...working around the house, chores, chores, chores.

It is on 'my list' to get some of my layouts and projects posted....really need to work on that one.

Really though....I need to go study. Have a test today.
Just wanted to shout out and update.
Hugs and happies.

1 comment:

SKeenan76 said...

Good luck on your test and good luck getting Mason back to feeling 100%! ;)

That's soooo cool you are going to teach that class - rock on!!!!

I'm the WORST at getting things posted anymore...well, that AND getting layouts finished. :(

Miss you!
Shannon - xoxoxo