I have some
pictures to share.
Finally ;0)
All writing with the pictures is below the picture (I seem to get confused when blog reading sometimes the writing is above the photo, sometimes below.....maybe it is just me.)

This is a picture of Mason in front of the 'replica' Christopher Columbus ship. We couldn't get too close or on board but this photo turned out kind of neat.

A sideways picture (because I am too lazy to delete it go back and rotate it and
re-upload it,
LOL!) of the Endeavor packed to the gills with carpet. Nothing like a last minute trip to pick up
carpet and try and get all of it home. And you know what? We over bought by like 6 boxes!! We were able to return them but how funny to have 4 boxes on the roof, the back packed Mason sitting on a box and I had one on my lap. The whole time Mason kept hi-
fiving us saying "The Moore Four" or "Moore Power"....it was cracking me up. Good memories.

This is the new carpet going in. We did the do-it-
yourself-squares-that-you-can-replace-if-accidents-happen kind. It is a bit darker than I wanted once we got it in, it looked lighter in the store on the ONE SQUARE - but it is
OK. It is new, fresh, soft and will work until we get this dang house put together to sell.

Had to share this photo. This here is all of my scrap/art stuff. Pulled out of all the nooks and crannies to make it look like there is a crap-load of stuff. OK, I will admit I DO have a lot of stuff. I am blessed. I am thankful.

The tree out front is starting to turn. So
freakin' awesome. I love the colors of fall. I need to get my camera out for some more pictures because everywhere is just so pretty right now.

Chopped my hair off!
Bai and
Mase had appointments on Friday and I called Kelly to see if she could squeeze me in. It so happened that her 5 o'clock apt cancelled. Have been thinking
about the little wedge cuts that are all the rage (saw Jenny McCarthy - is that how you spell her name?-on Oprah and L-O-V-E-D it but knew I could never pull it off.). Walked in and Kelly had cut her hair in a longer wedge and I said THAT IS WHAT I WANT. She did it and I am adjusting. She cut off 9-10 inches. I like it, I think, but I haven't had my hair this short since, like, 8
th grade and it was atrocious then. SO....what do you think? I will try and get some different pics up for ya. Maybe one of the back so that you can see the wedge.
That is about it for the pictures.
BUT I have to shout out a late Happy Birthday to Angie!!!
And a HUGE congrats because she will be PUBLISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scrapbooking Trends has been smart enough to choose one of her layouts for publications.
She is
sooo totally on her way and I am TOTALLY proud of her.
Happy Birthday
Ang and I really am proud of you. (Even though I knew it was just a matter of time ;0)
Gotta go pick up
Mase from school.
Hugs and
Omg! Where do I start???!!
Your new 'DO' ROCKS!!!!!!! so don't grow it out for a while, way way to cute. Making me wanna cut mine.
Go you little weekend warriors, wanna come replace some carpet at my house?
Miss ya!!
TOTALLY love the hair...seriously!
Love the tree pic too...
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