Doing the whole soccer mom thing. I just love watching Mase play soccer. And how flippin' sweet is it that he asked for the #3 shirt??????? Just for me. God, I love that boy so much.

Bai has started her volleyball. It is club ball so it isn't every night, and we car pool with another family so that cuts down the running also. She has soooo totally improved. I seriously want to play some volleyball with this girlie ;0)

Yesterday we went 'to town' and shopped at the mall for a bit. Bai and I had our eye makeup done at the Clinique counter. Loved it!!! I was completely impressed with how the make up consultant (think that is what they are called) showed Bai how to make her eyes pop without doing the black eye liner Cleopatra thing. She felt sooo good and learns some. Heck so did I! I highly recommend you taking the time to do something like this. It is just good for the soul.
Still kicking butt on the health thing. Feeling really good about me.
Totally miss connecting with people. Seems that we have all been in a whirl wind of life.
Need to go get some things done around the house.....maybe for Christmas I will ask for a maid. LOL!
Hugs and happies. m
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