Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I {heart} SHAWN

Just finished ironing on "I {big red glittery felt heart} SHAWN" to an ol' cheap-o apron that I picked up at HL for two bucks! Let me tell you ... this apron TOTALLY MAKES ME HAPPY! This homemade apron makes me happy for a number of reasons but mostly because I know that when Shawn sees me wearing it, he will smile this humungous smile with his dimples popping. :0) And for your info....I do not usually wear aprons, just when I am crafting (sometimes). Usually it is after I have dropped the paint brush on my good jeans ... then I get the apron out. But this apron will be worn when I teach my scrapbooking class in Feb. I will have to get a picture of it posted for you.

IT is rainy and dreary out but it is a good day.
Bai is happy.
Mase is happy.
Shawn will be happy.
I am happy.
It is a good day.

Hugs and happies.


dr said...

Hee heee hee!! Love the apron idie!! Can't wait for the pic.

Leah said...

You are just sooo sweet. I'm sure he will love it you big sap!! he, he!