a.) Shawn b.) Michelle c.) Bailey d.) Mason e.) Booda

At the end of last week we tried a couple of 'firsts' in the Moore home. We made AND ate guacamole. Bailey had tried some at a friends house and LOVED IT! She had been hounding me to get some stuff to make it. Since I am not a huge fan of the texture of avocados I really though, 'ummmm, yeah. I will get right on that Bai'. But I did get the stuff, we made it, and it wasn't too bad. Some how it was even better when I looked it up and could have a 1/4 of a cup for 2 points! Since I am a big dipper this is HUGE!
We also tried fresh pineapple. Last school year, Mason's class had cut up a pineapple and he went on and on about it. He kept hounding us to get one. Well....again, I had never cut up a pineapple, didn't know what to do with one so it wasn't high on my 'must buy list'. BUT I bought one. We cut it up how Mason said that the teacher cut it up at school and grilled half on kabobs. YUMMY. (note: if you cut up a pineapple go a head and cut out the core. Kind of gross watching everyone spit that out and it did taste icky)
I have been feeling a bit bleck lately. Not sure if it was because of the long work weekend (and missing out on some BEAUTIFUL weather), or if I am missing some of my girlies that I have been connecting with, or the stress of last week, could even be hormones (we can always blame those babies!) I do know that I have encountered some awesome people this weekend. One of my all time favorites about working in an emergency room is the diversity of people that cross into your world. Met a lady that was 104 years old!! And still with it, incredible! She totally made me smile. Met a guy that gave me a new outlook on inner strength. Sending out total good wishes to him. Came across these two sisters that were each others best friends. You could tell that they totally lived side by side. There was such and incredible connection that really made me a bit jealous. I wished that my sisters were different so that we could at least speak....sigh. Guess I will just have to keep on stalking my girlie friends for that connection. I am bound and determined to have that friend that years from now will know you so well that if something is good or bad...they can tell just by looking at you.
OK, went on a little ramble there. But it does make me feel better. I am a blurter. Need to get stuff out. This blog, this little web journal of mine helps do that AND it connects me to you. That is sheer coolness. Hugs and happiness to you.
My Happy for today: Mason making me laugh out loud wanting me to blog the question about his picture. It really was funny and sweet.
***Also have to mention that Mikey totally made my next 6 months when he found and picked up for me 16 12-packs of DIET VANILLA PEPSI. (they really don't sell it around here any more) I will be able to satisfy my happy drink addiction for a bit longer ;0)
AHHHH there is nothing like the quiche of an addiction!! 8)
Oh my sweet Michelle...I understand what you mean about connecting on a different level! I didn't have siblings growing up and never had a close relationship with my mom...but I do have a best friend who I miss dearly and can tell anything to. I feel blessed to have her in my life! :)
Thanks for always sharing - and enjoy the pineapple and guacamole (SP!)!! xo
Hey!! I think Guac counts as an oil too! I just recently started eating Gauc myself...it grows on you, I LOVE it now.....not as much as you and the DVP....HOLY crap that alot of DVP!
Connections!!! WHO NEEDS'EM??
(( we do )) hugs to you! I know I suck at calling...but anytime you need to talk....I am here!
So I am smiling right now, because I totally get your "babbling" I myself am a bit of a babbler. My sister rocks, but I still love that connection I get from talking to my "girls" I am really excited about finally having a fuctioning computer!!! Hope we can talk soon =)
16 cases of vanilla pepsi. My god, you'll be set for awhile won't you??? LOL
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