These may not look like much right now. In fact they are looking kind of droopy - Shawn assures me that they will be fine once they adjust to their new home. We also 'misguessed' our count as to how many plants we need so we have to go back and buy a few more to fill in. BUT the point is that we are DOING, getting some things done around the house that we have been talking about for.....ummmmm......FOREVER!!!!

This here little pot of happy replaced the tequila sunrise flowers that Bai and Shawn had picked out for Mother's Day. I accidently killed them. ->->-> I swear to you that I have two brown thumbs. My intentions are great, and my vision of flowers and plants in my home is beautiful, but alas.....I haven't mastered the art.

Now for the scrapbook power.....hello!!!!!! Some Elsie Flannigan product half off last week from HL. Cannot beat that. Right? I am not a HUGE Elsis fan, but this stuff just made me smile. I am thinking that it might just make its way into a certain Bond Girls journal........hehehehe. And the fiber - a super uber good deal. Regularly 6.99 and I got it for 88 cents!!! It matches the Elsie stuff awesomely and it is sooooo soft. Love it!

For the grand finally of scrapbook power I would like to introduce you to my new (40% off I might add) Amy Butler K&C bag! I think I will call her Gilda. LOL!! OK, now you are thinking I am really off of my rocker for naming my bag, right? But no that is not the case....well, it might be the case....but people name paper lines and scrapbook product. Why not name your sb bag? Besides that IT FITS. ;0) Oh, and I really got a twofer with the bags because since I had two 40% off coupons and Shawn went into town I was able to pick up the other sb bag that I have been wanting (Shawn bought one with a coupon and I picked up the other with the second coupon...WHOOT WHOOT). Shawn wanted to know why I would need two sb bags.....and well, I didn't have an answer because I don't need two. But a girl can never have too many bags, right?

So that is about it. Went into town, spent too much money on some flowers for our yard, sold my AMM bag to buy my new sb bags, and have done a butt-load of homework. Thank gawd that this is the last week for the summer semester. I have about had my fill of schooling and I need a break.
I am soo glad that Donna is home from vaca and I am having Ang withdrawals.
That is about it for now. Have bunches that I want to share but I need to go spend some time with Shawn because he keeps sighing at me. Now he is talking to the dog about needing some TLC would Booda cuddle with him......he is such a dork. A cute, annoying, dorky, hunky hubby and he is mine. Hugs to you all. m
happy for today: Gilda and the scrap locker bag and the plants and the phone call from Donna and talking to Ang on the phone.
Hey Sunshine your new flowers are beautiful! Something about flowers that just makes me smile!!
GILDA!! hmmm....seems fitting!
Hope you're enjoying your hubby being home....and not working to hard!
lol at the two brown thumbs comment...The new flowers look beautiful. Love the scrapbooking stuff you picked up and the amy butler bag is so awesome. A girl can never have too many scrap bags...LOL..Have fun and take care :)
Loving the plants.... DON'T KILL THEM. Talk to them if you have to!! LOL. The scrapbooking supplies are awesome, and the bag is too cute. But Gilda??? I am seriously worried about you!!! LOL Hope your having an awesome week!
Who's Gilda???? heehee
Your flowers look lovely!! Enjoy them while their still alive;) I do talk to my plants though, they never seem to answer my questions though. :&
Thanks I missed you too. Did think about ya on the beach. With a cuppa happy at the break of dawn, sand between the toes, calm waves rollin' in, and my dolphin friends playing right in front of me. I was in HEAVEN!!!
MMMMM, yummy prizes and I do love love love the bag!!!
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