Thursday, July 5, 2007

Finding The 'Goosebumps' In Life

OK, I am giving this YouTube thing a try because this video on CMT TOTALLY gave me the goosebumps today. There is just something about Tim and Faith....but holy heck!!! There is something to be said about chemistry, that is for sure.

Hope everyone (that celebrated) had an awesome 4th of July. We went to a little farm town carnival/festival thing. It was nice and ... well ... small town. This isn't a bad thing since Bailey wanted to be with her friends and I could still keep an eye out while giving her the freedom she craves. A balance that we are working on. The best part was the fireworks. I am not afraid to say that they totally gave me the goosebumps. When those fireworks were going off with all of the glory of color and sound....I was proud. Proud to be safe and healthy and free and happy and American.

That is about it for the goosebumps...but seriously, take the time to enjoy and appreciate those moments or things that give you the goosebumps (figuratively or literally). Hugs and happiness. m

My Happy for today: Figuring out how to post the YouTube video to share it with you. It took me quite a while, so I was happy when I finally got it to work ;0)

***edit, I am laughing because the video is a little off from the song and the singing and looks kind of funny. But go check it out because it really is pretty cool. In the mean time, I will check out the videos before I post them. LOL.


dr said...

HEE HEE- I felt like I was watching an old Japanese movie clip.
Right now- being wet from the rain and my a/c running is giving me goosebumps.

ahuonker said...

I am SO NOT a country fan....but...this song is beautiful! I think I listened to it 3 times...definetly goosebumps!

Leah said...

Yep there is something about those two isn't there?? I despise country, but that is a nice song... glad to hear your 4th of July celebration was nice!