Thursday, June 28, 2007

Perfectly Alright

It was an alright day today and that is perfectly OK, right? Most of the day was full of showers and not the cleansing kind, but the blah, dirty, muddy, sick of the rain kind.

Had my Weight Watchers meeting today. I was up .8 and let me tell you that I was a little miffed about that. Don't get me wrong, I am not exercising more and making better diet decisions JUST to lose weight....I really do want to be healthier and have my family healthier....but dang!!!! I have been RUNNING all week (OK, not really 'running' but a definate 1/4 of a mile jog incoorporated into the 2 mile walk...but still!!! It feels like running to me). Every single day this week, totally motivated and eating healthy....and a GAIN. {{{sigh}}} Just wasn't what I expected. But don't think for a moment that I am unmotivated. Nope, I still have my mojo and went for the bike/walk tonight....2 MILES baby! I also have to say that I understand that I am changing muscle into fat and muscle weights more and I might be retaining a bit of water. I do. But still.....
***Kudos to Angie she is rocking the scale and her clothes!! Check out her blog to see if she posts her outstanding accomplishments so far. (Not going to even try the linky thing - just click on the link at the side)

Even though the weather was blah and the weight thing was blah, I had an very nice afternoon at Angie's. Mason L-O-V-E-D playing with her boys and her wraps that she made for lunch....ummmm can we say delish??!!! (and only 4 freaking points) I totally went out and bought the ingredients to have for my lunch over this weekend ->->->a long work weekend.

Have I mentioned that I really like having Shawn home in the evenings??? It has been a LONG time since he was home for dinners and family stuff. I actually am cooking again and not having 'free for all' dinners. Kind of nice....OK, REALLY nice.

Think I am going in tomorrow for tutoring in my stats class. For some reason it is really kicking my butt and I am so stressed about it. Stressed to the point of my shoulders hurting. Send me some smart vibes.....pppuuulllleeeezzz ;0) I even brought out the big guns and dusted off my "Psycho Chihuahua binder that I used for my paramedic school. It says "I don't roll over and I don't play dead". Cracks me up!!! Maybe I will post a picture soon because it really is funny.

C - haven't forgot about the idea books. I will get the list to you.

Off to go dig back into the book with my highlighter...Good Times. Hugs and Happies to ya. m

My Happy for today: There were a few things today that made me happy but I am going to go with the laughter one. While on the bike/walk, Shawn grabbed Mason's stuffed raccoon (Bubba) and stuffed it in the back waistband of his shorts then proceeded to ride away with a striped tail sticking out the back while Mason had a FO. Now really this isn't funny picking on a little boy, but if you would have seen the raccoon tail sticking out while Shawn was riding away (acting like a little boy!!!).....too funny. AND not to mention that Mason is a pistol at times, it is a way for that orneriness to come back to him. Mason did get Bubba back safe and sound ;0) Everyone was peaceful again and all was right with the world. I so totally love that laughter of life!

1 comment:

dr said...

Keep on truckin' girl!! I would love to have the recipe for the yummy wraps. I am all over a wrap!!
Have a good weekend!!