Sunday, July 8, 2007

Random List # 153,493

1. Went to a lss yesterday with Angie and did some scrappin'. It was the first time that I have gone to a scrapbook store to scrap in the crop rooms. Loved it! Scrappin' with Angie ROCKED, having a whole entire store at your fingertips for those little things that you need...this could get dangerous, but oh so delicious! I even learned the art of sanding letters. ;0)

2. Finished the mini scrapbook that I was doing of Bailey @ 13. Now I just have to get Mason's @ 8 done. Turned out kind of nice. I will have to post some pics later.

3. To let those of you know that have been asking ... the Wednesdays @3 blog has been deleted. I am sorry. A few of you all have told me that you really enjoyed it so maybe we can put together some kind of photblog/challenge thing. Help us all capture life with our cameras 'outside of the box'. Give me a bit and I will let you know.

4. Three more weeks of the summer semester! YEAH! YIPPY! WOOOHOOO!

5. I am going to get my hair cut. Yep, I know that Ang said to wait and see, and Shawn says "whatever" (because he totally is over my bad hair-ness stuff). My push over the edge point was when I wore my hair down (OK, half down - it was pulled back on the sides) yesterday by the end of the day it was all frizzed out and there was a nest of dred locks by my collar....YUCK! It has just gotten too long and it is too I am talking the talk, now to make an apt and walk the walk.

6. If my family doesn't help out around this house they are going to see psycho-mamma!

Off to go make my grocery list. Running errands and cleaning house....good times! m

My Happy for today: Sleeping in after staying up late scrappin. Then waking up to a full pot of brewed coffee....YUMMY.


ahuonker said...

the ART of sanding letter....arent' you the funny one! They were damn fine letters!!

OK...cut your hair...right now in a moment of humid desperation...BUT I am right now, right here, reserving the right to throw out a BIG FAT I told you so when you come to your senses!!!

Nighty night!!

dr said...

OK- wait don't do anything drastic with the do!! Must use products to control that frizz. hee hee Well how much you talking about cuttin'?

OMGosh- is it not just the BOMB to scrap at a store. With their entire stock of supplies at your finger tips?? Such fun fun fun$$$$$$

Welp about the fam not helpin'- psycho-mamma will definitely get them motivated for about a day. It did here anyway. heehee

Yeap I'm in on the Challenge.

Leah said...

Hey girl!! Missing you so much!! I just had to say that first. Wait I have to make a list:

1. Glad you got some scrapping time in!

2. Why is it we have to turn into psycho mamma before anyone helps us around the house????

3. I'm sure your hair will look fab no matter how it gets cut.... sooooo get off your butt and do it girl!!!

Tanya said...

I don't think your hair is a frizz mess at all! I think you should hold out and just wait a little longer. At least till the end of summer!
I didn't realise so many people liked the Wednesday@3. Oh well nobody told me!! :0(
Yay for your coffee in the morning!!