Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What's poppin'?

If you said lip gloss or my collar then you must be totally cool. At least to the crowd that Bai hangs with. Although even if you know that answer and you are 'mom' then you still aren't cool.

Yesterday I had a little FO about my stats test (FO is Moore-speak for Freak Out). I am looking forward to just ONE semester in which I enjoy my classes. All of them. It seems that every semester there is 'the one' class that has to make me miserable. Not miserable in the way of learning something new, no this is miserable in the way of the instructor just being a jerk or the class is not well prepared....something. So back to my FO. I had spent a gazillion hours working on preparing for the stats test, went into take the test and I am pretty sure that I bombed it. Now that a smidge of time has passed I am able to let some of it go...but I really am a person that doesn't like to fail. My mind is aware that in the big scheme of life a little stats class does mean so much....but to me it FEELS bigger. On top of this I had signed up for a stats tutor and he helped me NADDA! In fact, he said that he hadn't done any statistics for over 5 years. Now come on!!! ..........................HEY WAKE UP I AM BITCHIN' HERE, I need your full attention. LOL. Really, I could go on and on about this but here is the long and short of it. I had a FO, am getting over it, only have two more weeks to go, Ang offered to listen to the whole drama of it over coffee (huge hugs on that one girlie), and Shawn made me laugh about it.

What else is there......

OH, today I received a circle journal to scrapbook from a group that I am in. In the package was a little note and some goodies from Tanya that I totally needed. Thank you very much ;0) I know that I have said it about 100 billion times but there is something about happy mail that really does a soul good. So my challenge to you is to gather a little bit of goodies and send them to some one you care about. I TOTALLY know you will feel good and you will make the day of who ever you send to.

Tonight after everyone goes to bed I am going to stay up and scrapbook. Maybe into the wee hours of the morning. I am smiling just thinking about it.

On Sunday we went out on our boat and even though I spent my time studying (I know, I agree I am turning into a total geek) it was a nice time. Every one managed to get burned. Must remember to reapply the sunscreen. And I have to say that Shawn L-O-V-E-S that boat. He is really happy out there.

Angie told me that HL has the new Amy Butler bags (I think that is the name of them). I REALLY want the green one but have to wait for the 40% coupon. I hope that they still have them. Keep your fingers crossed. Speaking of scrapbook stuff....Donna Downey is giving away the Arccivo! One for the next 7 days. Check out her blog and if you don't want one or not interested Puuuullleeaaazze just post for me and double me chance. I am rarely lucky, but I am looking to change that. I am feeling that Arccivo in my hands right now............;0)

How about them Cubs????!!! I am feeling that this will be the year (Yes, all the Cub fans say that every year....BUT) this will be the year. Go Cubs GO! Does anyone know that name of the Cub song that they have been playing? Shannon?

I should probably go. I have rambled on enough.
Hope you all are having a great week. m

My Happy for today: a.) HAPPY MAIL - the note and happies from Tanya b.) finding Bai some blue jeans that she half way like....and they were cheap c.) scrapping


Angie said...

Hey girly...going to take your happy mail challenge!

next time....we'll actually HAVE coffee..LOL!

Leah said...

Well first we are all entitled to a FO here and there. I feel your pain.

Second I want to take the happy mail challenge. I haven't sent it or recieved it in a while and you are right, it does do the soul good.

Wish I could join you on that boat of yours, even if your head is buried in a book, it sounds so relaxing.

Tanya said...

Awww you are so welcome. We all need to feel loved!!
That STATS teacher sucks.
I love those Amy Butler bags!!
I;ve seen her patterns for sale and thought that maybe I could make myself one. Yeah thinking really big here!! LOL!!
Happy scrapping!

SKeenan76 said...

GO CUBS GO...GO CUBS GO...Hey Chicago whatdya say? The CUBS are gonna win today!!

Check this site out!!!!!


I TOTALLY just got chills!!!! :)

What a great challenge...Happy Mail is a great thing!!!

Sorry to hear about stats, that really sucks! :(

dr said...

This too shall pass!!! Statistics SUCKS!!! My heart and my head ache for you and the rrrrrr of that class. I too feel your pain.
yeah for you!!!!