Saturday, August 18, 2007

Right This Moment.

->->->Shawn is snoring on the couch.

->->->Bailey is sleeping in the 'love bag' (Moore-speak for GI-NOR-MOUS bean bag).

->->->Mason is playing Webkinz on the computer.

->->->Cubs are beating the Cardinals.

->->->Booda is snoring ALMOST as loud and as obnoxiously as Shawn!

Up to this moment....

->->->Classes started for me. I am really thinking that this might just be a really good semester. (MY LAST MATH CLASS EVER!!!!!! Hopefully)

->->->My Mom is doing better. The bleeding seems to have stopped and her blood count is going up. She thinks that she may get to come home tomorrow or Monday. YEAH! Thanks again for all of the well wishes.

->->->Worked a 12 yesterday, and I tell you some days the ER is calm and manageable and sometimes it is such chaos that you wonder what in the holy heck you are doing there. Yesterday was one of those days. Not a horrible day....just one of those chaotic days.

->->->Garage sale today. It rained. Go figure. BUT did manage to sell some things and make a little money. This is always good for the ol' bank account. Kind of funny, things that I thought would sell didn't and things that I really didn't think would sell did. Craziness.

->->->Shannon has posted in the WHY NOT? gallery and I LOVE one of them in particular. Click the link on the side and go check it out. Make sure and look at the siding-starburt one too. Total Coolness!

->->->I was not caught nakey by the Schwans man....but I know of someone who might have been and am laughing right now as I type this.

That's it for now. I think I am going to go kick back and watch the rest of the Cub game. A total lazy day. I am loving it.

OH...I have all of the 2004 issues of Creating Keepsakes and half of the 2003 that I have for sale $7 for '04 and $4 for the '03 (plus s&h) if anyone is interested. I was looking through them while the garage sale was going on and LOVED them still...totally know why I have held on to them so long. There was some super good Heidi Swapp articles when she first got hot. Any hoo...If you are interested shoot me an email.

Now I am going to watch the rest of the game.
Hugs and happies. m

My Happy for today: Playing Trivia Pursuit 90's with Shawn and Bai. Made me laugh and guess who guessed it ME!!!!!!! ;0)


dr said...

Yeah for you and the Cubbies!!!
You rock on in that mathematics this semester!!!
Glad you had a great lazy day after your chaotic one. And will everyone who has been caught nakey by a stranger at the door please raise your hand and say "I".

Angie said...


Angie said...

Hey...I just looked at your counter...772...that's MY number...did you plan that...teehee!