Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A much shorter day....

Yesterday was a long day for me. I think that I will come to dread Tuesdays for a while. ;0)
BUT today has been much better.
It has been a quite and relaxing day for me and I am liking it.

I have been working on a circle journal for a sweet girlie and it is almost finished...waiting on some epoxy to dry and even though I cannot post a picture of it, I am almost giddy with how the different elements turned out.! One of THE best things about scrapbooking for me is when a project turns out really REALLY good and you just smile and everytime you look at it you smile. It is a great sense of accomplishment, it is a cool way to leave your mark.

I know everyone has gone over to check out the new challenge at WHY NOT?, right??? And I totally know that everyone is going to post some pics for this challenge and they are even going to get a friend to sign up and post, right?? I know we have LOTS of girlies interested and signed up...I just want to see some of the work. PULEEZE! ;0) Don't be afraid to post your pictures. Just say 'why not?' and DO IT. I need your inspiration to help my photography grow...ya know?

My mom is going home today. I wish her peace to get her world back to the way she likes it.

Need to go pick up Mase from school. Time to clock in and go to motherhood work after my lazy break of a day.

Hope you all have a fabulous Wednesday.
Hugs and happies.

My Happy for today: Having the whole entire day to myself. Bliss.


Angie said...

Good for you...having a day to yourself...AND being able to enjoy it. To many times life gets in the way of a day like that!

ps...LOVE your shadow picture!!

dr said...

YEHHHHH!! I hope my next Monday will be ALLL mine. Stay in the jammie and drink happy all day and play.
Glad to hear your mom is headed home and hope all goes well for her.
digg the shadow pic!!

dr said...

I have read this about 3 or 4 different times and each time I think it is a new day. Till I get a few lines in and realize "IT ISN"T WED!!!"
Does that give you a little insight to where my brain is?? Fried!!
hee hee

SKeenan76 said...

Ahhh, glad you had a day to yourself!! Niiiiice!
So glad to hear about your Mom. I pray things go well at home.
Excited about the new challenge! I have forwarded to some friends but haven't heard if they want to join in on the fun.
And I agree...awesome photo! ;)
Hugs from Beantown!