Friday, August 24, 2007

Friday's Things

1. I have broke down and ordered some stamps that I cannot afford. I do believe that is a total sign of addiction. My rationalization is "I only live happy....I can always make more money....I will use them for many things so the stamps are really an investment...." {{{sigh}}}. I have an addiction.

2. Going through some issues with my 'teenager' and attitudes. Ya know, the whole treat the friends great but give your family your disgust, the moodiness. Don't get me wrong, for the most part it really isn't bad but GOH, sometimes I want to shake some sense into her. Like say this morning when she said that she really doesn't want to walk to school because it will mess up her hair. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????

3. I have been on a red mission. It is kind of funny because when I see something red I am looking at it trying to think of how I can make a cool photograph with it. Is anyone else doing this? If so, I totally know that you have checked out the WHY NOT? webblog....and that is total coolness.

4. Last night I started ripping out some embroidery that I didn't like on a bag and created a big mess. It looked so easy in the beginning but alas, no....there are stitches under stitches. It is going to be a long drawn out thing. Figures. ;0)

5. This coming weekend is my weekend to work.

6. Finished Donna's cj. Just waiting for the diamond glaze to completely dry. Then it will be on it's way to LA. Home sweet home. Sweet Donna, it will go out Saturday or Monday so be looking for it next week.

7. Fixed some soup for lunch. I think that I am ready for Fall. The crisp air, the fall colors, the hike up at Starved Rock....oh yeah, I am ready for Fall.

8. The new picture on the side are of Bai and her BFF. It made me so happy to see this photo. Can you see them holding awesome. I love their friendship.

Alright, I am going to go do TWO things on my "to do" list and then work on ripping out more of those stitches. Hope you all have had a really great week.

My Happy for today: Ordering the new stamps (even though it totally made me feel guilty too). Can't wait to get my hands on them and CREATE!


Leah said...

Okay I have to comment on a few things. First, your new love of's really working for you and you should go with it. I myself have a love affair with red! I understand the kid with attitude completely, the sad part is that my kid is 9!!!!!!

How can you be ready for fall, fall leads to winter and that leads to freezing to death!!!! I say we bring back summer. LOL

Still without camera and desperately wishing to join your photo thing. Soon I hope. {{{Hugs }}} for you!!!

Angie said...

puuhleeaassee tell me you are NOT trying to rip the stiches out of that black bag...UGH...BIG sigh...that will take forever!!

ahhh, the beauty of a black sharpie...silly girl!!

FALL....we are on the same page sister!! I am sick to death of being HOT!!

Red??? who the heck had THAT brilliant idea (oh yeah..that would be me). Still nothing inspiring me...maybe tomorrow!

SKeenan76 said...

LOL...oh Michelle. I hear you on the purchases. I always feel guilty, but you deserve them and if they make you feel happy, so be it! ;)

FALL...ahhh, I hope fall sticks around a little longer than last year.

I need to start taking some RED photos...already looked at the new ones in the gallery. Exciting!!!

Have a wonderful day!!!

SKeenan76 said...

BTW, when are the RED photos DUE!?!?!?