Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Happy In Da House

Went over to Ang's today and had ourselves a little photo shoot. I found this frame on clearance for 9 bucks!! (originally $60!) We played around a bit with it. Kind of fun. This picture is one of my favorites. Which one do you like better? The color or the sepia. I am lovin' the color but feeling the sepia also. More cuties pictures to come..... ;0)The doctor didn't get the test results back. No news. Should hear something tomorrow. Must say that Shawn noticed a HU-MUNG-OUS bruise on my arm where they drew the blood. Kind of shocking crazy bruise!

Picked up the new Scrapbook Trends magazine at Michael's with the 40% off coupon. I have been totally diggin' that magazine. But really, who am I kiddin' I love almost ALL of the sb mags.

Who is INTERESTED in a photo challenge? Anyone? Anyone?

I probably need to go. Family is needing some TLC and I am wanting to find some 'me' time. Great big hugs going out. m

My Happy for today: Laughing out loud with an incredible girlie that has the coolest walls.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Just a quickie....

Went to the doctor today...feeling better. Will know more tomorrow.

Picked up a half shift at the hospital tonight so I am off to do that. Good times. ;0) Actually just need the money. Ya know, for my scrapbooking addiction and college, and school clothes for a teenager, and Webkinz for the addicted son, and for the axil Shawn needs for his trailer......the list goes on.

Sending out hugs and happiness, even for those people that don't "need" happy...I am still sending it.

My Happy for today: Having that opportunity to pick up a half shift.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Some Sunday Stuff

1. I am thinking that Sunday came too fast. It seems like I have a running list of things that I would like to have done but I mismanage my time and the days fly by without getting what I want done accomplished. [[[big sigh]]]

2. Have trouble uploading some of my layouts to my gallery at sb.com. I am needing to resize them and haven't figured out how to do that. Need to work on that. But until then here are a couple. The one of Bai did not turen out the way that I wanted it to at all but it is one of those layouts that you just have to let go and move on. I think that the shadowed picture threw it all out of whack...oh well, you win some you lose some and the moment is still captured. The one of Mason turned out better although it isn't the greatest of pictures for you. Sorry about that. I don't seem to have the energy to redo it.

3. Yesterday we took the kids shopping for some school clothes. We actually found some blue jeans for Bai in our price range and ones that she loved!!! It was a good day!! After the shopping we went go cart riding. Let me tell you that MOM IS THE CHAMP! With my head full of sinus pressure causing really bad headaches I still beat the ol' family, much to Shawn's dismay. Although I will admit that the first race was the luck of seating...but let it be known that I held that first place! ;0)
4. Going to the doctor tomorrow. Let's see if she can get me straightened out.
5. Recieved my statistics grade.....a B!!! Cannot flippin' believe that one, but it is what she put in. Now all I have is one more math class and I will NEVER have to take another math class again for the rest of my life. Oh yeah - that totally rocks.
6. Working on some home improvement around the house. Finally. Just hoping that projects get DONE. We seem to have tons of intentions, and great ideas, but sometimes the completion process gets lost. I cannot even begin to tell you all of the unfinished stuff we have around here. Is it just us? Or is that a common thing I wonder?
7. Again I must say ->->-> GO CUBS GO!!!
8. Wondering if Shannon received her corn monkeys?
OK, my lists of things to do is calling me and it is time to take some more more medicine.
My Happy for today: The Cubies winning...again.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Short and Sweet

Don't really get them all that often but the sinuses are full.
I know, nice picture for ya, huh?
Physically feeling bleck,
emotionally feeling better.
Going to the doctor on Monday.
Maybe she will be able to tell me if this is stress or something more.
Weight Watchers this morning...up 0.8 pounds.
Not too bad considering how lousy I have been doing with exercise and food choices.
My sweet BFF is rockin' the Weight Watchers.
So proud of her.
I am recommitted.
New outlook on this change.
Like these short sentences.
Kind of like me blurting.
Jotting down the thoughts of the day.
Sending out positive thoughts and hugs. m

My Happy for today: The walk with BFF...a.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Me thinks Me is emotional....

One of those days.
Can't figure out if it is the stress,
or the week,
or the blahs.
Whatever it is....it stinks.
My throat is sore.
Think it is the black plague.
I am irritable.
Thank you to my BFF...A for listening.
Looking forward to seeing you in the morn.
Hope who ever reads this is having a good day.
I am going to go meditate,
for a better tomorrow,
with less stress,
and no sore throat,
and a 2 pound weight loss,
and scrappin' time,
and smiles.
Hugs. m

My Happy for today: All of Shawn's hard work. I am also happy for my family and friend putting up with my .... stuff. Loves to you.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Flower and Scrapbook Power

These may not look like much right now. In fact they are looking kind of droopy - Shawn assures me that they will be fine once they adjust to their new home. We also 'misguessed' our count as to how many plants we need so we have to go back and buy a few more to fill in. BUT the point is that we are DOING, getting some things done around the house that we have been talking about for.....ummmmm......FOREVER!!!!This here little pot of happy replaced the tequila sunrise flowers that Bai and Shawn had picked out for Mother's Day. I accidently killed them. ->->-> I swear to you that I have two brown thumbs. My intentions are great, and my vision of flowers and plants in my home is beautiful, but alas.....I haven't mastered the art.Now for the scrapbook power.....hello!!!!!! Some Elsie Flannigan product half off last week from HL. Cannot beat that. Right? I am not a HUGE Elsis fan, but this stuff just made me smile. I am thinking that it might just make its way into a certain Bond Girls journal........hehehehe. And the fiber - a super uber good deal. Regularly 6.99 and I got it for 88 cents!!! It matches the Elsie stuff awesomely and it is sooooo soft. Love it!For the grand finally of scrapbook power I would like to introduce you to my new (40% off I might add) Amy Butler K&C bag! I think I will call her Gilda. LOL!! OK, now you are thinking I am really off of my rocker for naming my bag, right? But no that is not the case....well, it might be the case....but people name paper lines and scrapbook product. Why not name your sb bag? Besides that IT FITS. ;0) Oh, and I really got a twofer with the bags because since I had two 40% off coupons and Shawn went into town I was able to pick up the other sb bag that I have been wanting (Shawn bought one with a coupon and I picked up the other with the second coupon...WHOOT WHOOT). Shawn wanted to know why I would need two sb bags.....and well, I didn't have an answer because I don't need two. But a girl can never have too many bags, right? So that is about it. Went into town, spent too much money on some flowers for our yard, sold my AMM bag to buy my new sb bags, and have done a butt-load of homework. Thank gawd that this is the last week for the summer semester. I have about had my fill of schooling and I need a break.

I am soo glad that Donna is home from vaca and I am having Ang withdrawals.

That is about it for now. Have bunches that I want to share but I need to go spend some time with Shawn because he keeps sighing at me. Now he is talking to the dog about needing some TLC would Booda cuddle with him......he is such a dork. A cute, annoying, dorky, hunky hubby and he is mine. Hugs to you all. m

My happy for today: Gilda and the scrap locker bag and the plants and the phone call from Donna and talking to Ang on the phone.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I Love My family

It is true. For all of the complaining that I do about .... well, everything, LOL, I really do love my family. I am really proud of what Shawn and I have accomplished. We have many many things to be thankful for and I don't take the time to do it often enough. So->->-> I am taking the time now. I am very grateful for what I have. We are the MOORE'S, I day it LOUD and I say it PROUD! Obviously the coolest of us all is the diva Miss Bai ;0)

What I wanted to blog about today:
1. Wanted to tell you all that I thought that the movie Transformers totally rocked!! Bai, Mase, and I went to see it a few days ago and we all loved it. Great movie.
2. Leah....I need your addy. No reason really, hehehehe, but just ummmm, thought that I would keep it on file, ummmmm, just in case I had a little happy card that I might have made for you. ;0) Shoot me an email if you want to.
3. I am completely giddy that some peeps took up the "Happy Mail" challenge!!! There are going to be a few happy people out there very soon. For those that might have missed it --- I sent out a challenge to send someone some happy mail. It doesn't matter what it is...maybe a few goodies, maybe a little note, or just a card, or heck you can go full out and send a package, some kind of happy mail to an unsuspecting person. It will totally be good for your soul and make someones day! I promise.
4. For those that have asked....detasseling is when you take the tassel out of the corn stalk. Not sure all of the physiology behind it but hit has something to do with the fertilization of the corn and that it is for a special kind of corn. A lot of the teens around here detassel for some summertime money.
5. Sweet Shannon....you were warned. Bwaaahaaaaaa!
6. This is my weekend to work....bummer.
7. I hit the scrapbook magazine jackpot today with two of them babies in my mailbox. Whoot Whoot!
8. I will win one of Donna D's free arccivo give aways!
9. Donna I miss you. I hope that your vacation is absolutely fabulous.
10. Go Cubs!
11. This website totally made me happy http://scrapblogmebaby.typepad.com/beautiful/
12. I stayed up until 2:30 AM the other night scrappin'. It felt good. I am a night owl by nature and it has been awhile since I had done a late nighter ;)
13. Today we received the registration packets for the new school year....GOH, where has the summer gone? The kids are going back to school next month and I feel that summer hasn't really started yet. Why is that?
You all have a rockin' be-boppin' day! Hugs. m
My Happy for today: There are many today because I am taking the time to BE grateful....but I will go with not having to do or go anywhere today! Still in my lounging clothes, and I like it!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What's poppin'?

If you said lip gloss or my collar then you must be totally cool. At least to the crowd that Bai hangs with. Although even if you know that answer and you are 'mom' then you still aren't cool.

Yesterday I had a little FO about my stats test (FO is Moore-speak for Freak Out). I am looking forward to just ONE semester in which I enjoy my classes. All of them. It seems that every semester there is 'the one' class that has to make me miserable. Not miserable in the way of learning something new, no this is miserable in the way of the instructor just being a jerk or the class is not well prepared....something. So back to my FO. I had spent a gazillion hours working on preparing for the stats test, went into take the test and I am pretty sure that I bombed it. Now that a smidge of time has passed I am able to let some of it go...but I really am a person that doesn't like to fail. My mind is aware that in the big scheme of life a little stats class does mean so much....but to me it FEELS bigger. On top of this I had signed up for a stats tutor and he helped me NADDA! In fact, he said that he hadn't done any statistics for over 5 years. Now come on!!! ..........................HEY WAKE UP I AM BITCHIN' HERE, I need your full attention. LOL. Really, I could go on and on about this but here is the long and short of it. I had a FO, am getting over it, only have two more weeks to go, Ang offered to listen to the whole drama of it over coffee (huge hugs on that one girlie), and Shawn made me laugh about it.

What else is there......

OH, today I received a circle journal to scrapbook from a group that I am in. In the package was a little note and some goodies from Tanya that I totally needed. Thank you very much ;0) I know that I have said it about 100 billion times but there is something about happy mail that really does a soul good. So my challenge to you is to gather a little bit of goodies and send them to some one you care about. I TOTALLY know you will feel good and you will make the day of who ever you send to.

Tonight after everyone goes to bed I am going to stay up and scrapbook. Maybe into the wee hours of the morning. I am smiling just thinking about it.

On Sunday we went out on our boat and even though I spent my time studying (I know, I agree I am turning into a total geek) it was a nice time. Every one managed to get burned. Must remember to reapply the sunscreen. And I have to say that Shawn L-O-V-E-S that boat. He is really happy out there.

Angie told me that HL has the new Amy Butler bags (I think that is the name of them). I REALLY want the green one but have to wait for the 40% coupon. I hope that they still have them. Keep your fingers crossed. Speaking of scrapbook stuff....Donna Downey is giving away the Arccivo! One for the next 7 days. Check out her blog and if you don't want one or not interested Puuuullleeaaazze just post for me and double me chance. I am rarely lucky, but I am looking to change that. I am feeling that Arccivo in my hands right now............;0)

How about them Cubs????!!! I am feeling that this will be the year (Yes, all the Cub fans say that every year....BUT) this will be the year. Go Cubs GO! Does anyone know that name of the Cub song that they have been playing? Shannon?

I should probably go. I have rambled on enough.
Hope you all are having a great week. m

My Happy for today: a.) HAPPY MAIL - the note and happies from Tanya b.) finding Bai some blue jeans that she half way like....and they were cheap c.) scrapping

A Twofer

Yep, you all are getting a 'twofer' one deal today. I am am going to post later on with some full on scoop. Just wanted to let you know that I have been stressing lately. Little stuff seems to be getting to me. Trying to work on that for me.

Anyhoo...check back tonight and find out what has been going on in the exciting Day's of Michelle's life. LOL! m

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Craving Photography Today.

Mason and I went on a photo walk. Didn't come across anything spectacular and the lighting was too harsh but did catch a couple of things that made me smile.

This piece of wood Shawn used to spray paint some part for the boat and it reminded me of a suprised little smiley face guy or a smiley face guy singing. This photo actually made me giggle. I think I am going to call him Rockstar because he is totally singing....don't ya think?
Bailey's shoes after her very first day of detassling. She said it was "horrible" but not as bad she expected. I think she has realized that the hour she spent last night trying to put together an outfit for detassling was not worth it....think she grasps the idea that you can't really look cute while detassling. It is a good thing that her bff is doing this with her. Good ol' buddy support.Let me point out some things about this picture. 1.) Mason is still wearing his Weight Watchers name tag ---he went to the meeting with Me and Ang this morning and likes to wear the name tag 2.) He has the camera trying to get a picture of me because it is not in him to wait two seconds to trade spots for him to take a picture of me 3.) The stop sign is soooooo symbolic of how I feel at times with this adorable little boy ->->-> STOP, you are wearing me down....Mason's picture capturing his flip flopped feet.
Another Mason picture. This one totally made me laugh out loud because he took this of himself with the camera upside down. When I was going through the pictures this one popped up and well....it is completely the essence of Mason. Fun loving, crazy, upside-down-and-that-is-OK Mason.***Weight Watchers meeting with Ang this morning. I am down a bit. Not as much as I feel but that is OK because I am feeling good. I am not going to give out Angie's business but OMGoh that girl is kicking butt. She really is accomplishing her goals and that is super uber cool.

***Most of ya know that I am a blog stalker. I like to see what is going on with other people. I like the connections that are made through blogging. This is a blog that I came across (Little Gi in my list on the side) and I had left a post to one of Gi's blogs. Not a big post, just a "hey I am with you thanks for the inspiration" kind of post. Well, let me tell you she took the time to send me an email to say thank you for the kind words. I thought that was total coolness. Not to mention her realness inspires me. Yep it is official, she is on my must read blog list ;0)

***I have to take the time to say I love you Mandy. I don't say it often enough and I don't try to connect with you like I should which is totally crazy because out of my whole family you and I really are genetically wired the same. I am shouting out now that I am blessed to have you as my sister and thank you for always reaching out to me.

My Happy for today: I have three 1. Brunch with Ang 2. Photo walk with Mase 3. Phone chat with Mandy....total happiness.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Let's Talk About Me

***So here is is...."my uncut haircut". Looks the same, doesn't it?? LOL! Shawn totally had me pegged. He knew that it wouldn't change that much or that it would be soo bad that he would have to listen to it for the 'growing out' process. I did get a haircut, or as Angie called it an uncut haircut (totally made me laugh). I had about an inch and a half cut off, my layers were made a bit longer, and I had my bangs cut. Those bangs might get me though...not quite long enough to tuck, not quite short enough to be out of the way. Over all, not a bad haircut->->->just not much change. The first thing that I did after straightening....yep, put my thick @ss hair into a pony tail. LOL! Donna, how much do hairstylists hate that? Sorry. But it felt good to have it out of my face.

***OK....enough about my hair drama! But here are the pictures. One blurry picture of the new bang, longer layers and trim. And the other of my can't-stand-it-gonna-put-it-up-in-a-pony tail picture.

***Ummm. Some more about me...made two trips into town today. One for my uncut haircut and the other for a study group with my statistic instructor. I am thinking that I might make it through that class after all. Funny how things work out when you tie a knot in the rope of life and hang on.
***Have to shout out that the linen -actually not sure if they are linen, they might just be cotton- carpi's that I bought a few months ago (and were very snug with no give because it was not stretchy material) are now BAGGY! Yeppers. That kind of rocks for me. Last week I seemed to be at a weight stand still even with the exercise and watching what I eat. To know that I am making progress to my goal makes me very happy.
***My toenails are no longer blue but are now "Hot Rock" which is a glittery red. What can I say....I am a hot momma! LOL!!!!
***Alright, seriously, enough about me....I must go. Although there is so much more that I could talk about (bore us with),[[sigh]] I have got to go study. I know, totally sucks - but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Hugs and happiness. m
My Happy for today: Going to go with the mail thing again....the new issue of the CK magazine arrived and made me happy. Love happy mail ;0)

Monday, July 9, 2007


This to me is my summer happy. Flip flops, green grass, a good book, toenails painted by Shawn in his favoritest color....ahhh so nice. This picture was taken on the 4th while we were taking a break from the carnival and walking. I had grabbed the camera to get some pictures of Mason while he was playing "army" with his little pop gun that Shawn had won for him. But this picture of my flip flop, book, blue toenails...totally made me smile. This is a photograph that you will see scrapped in the very near future ;0)

Here is a picture of the project that Mason and Shawn worked on yesterday. Yes, there is a story for this one (with Mason there is always a story). Shawn had thrown out an old grass seed spreader because the wheel was broken and all of the holes on the inside had rusted over. Mason grabbed onto it and wanted to make a carrier for all of his Webkinz. Over the last year he has collected a few (too many) Webkinz and is totally into them right now! Anyway...Mason's little creative mind wanted to 'chop' the seed spreader into a stroller. Shawn began with saying no-it's trash-it doesn't work. And I told Shawn....Ummmm, Mason could be 'occupied' for a few hours working on this project, which then had Shawn saying "Hey Mase, go ahead and make it into what you want." :0) Little did I know that Shawn would spend the afternoon with him. Too sweet and cool. This is what they came up with.....
They some how attached it to Mase's bike and he LOVES this!!! We were laughing so hard when we went on our bike/walk because it the 'stroller' doesn't really flow with the bike, more like jerk tail feather kind of thing. But so creative.

Now I must mention (because I told Shawn that I was going too) that if you notice, Shawn is riding my bike.....

Here is a view from the back......

And a close up........ LAUGHING!!!! How is this for an irony. A big burly bald tatooed, wife beater tank top wearing tough guy, riding a bike that has PRINCESS on the seat. This is classic Shawn. Such a combination of completely different stereotypes, which are mostly untrue. He is the reason you should never judge a book by its cover. I love you baby. Thanks for making me laugh.
Bailey is at volleyball camp. Miss her. Hope she is loving it. Did I say that I missed her??
Need to go get some of my list accomplished. Good times here. Hugs and happiness. m
My Happy for today: Ummmm.....not getting any bills in the mail.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Random List # 153,493

1. Went to a lss yesterday with Angie and did some scrappin'. It was the first time that I have gone to a scrapbook store to scrap in the crop rooms. Loved it! Scrappin' with Angie ROCKED, having a whole entire store at your fingertips for those little things that you need...this could get dangerous, but oh so delicious! I even learned the art of sanding letters. ;0)

2. Finished the mini scrapbook that I was doing of Bailey @ 13. Now I just have to get Mason's @ 8 done. Turned out kind of nice. I will have to post some pics later.

3. To let those of you know that have been asking ... the Wednesdays @3 blog has been deleted. I am sorry. A few of you all have told me that you really enjoyed it so maybe we can put together some kind of photblog/challenge thing. Help us all capture life with our cameras 'outside of the box'. Give me a bit and I will let you know.

4. Three more weeks of the summer semester! YEAH! YIPPY! WOOOHOOO!

5. I am going to get my hair cut. Yep, I know that Ang said to wait and see, and Shawn says "whatever" (because he totally is over my bad hair-ness stuff). My push over the edge point was when I wore my hair down (OK, half down - it was pulled back on the sides) yesterday by the end of the day it was all frizzed out and there was a nest of dred locks by my collar....YUCK! It has just gotten too long and it is too much....so I am talking the talk, now to make an apt and walk the walk.

6. If my family doesn't help out around this house they are going to see psycho-mamma!

Off to go make my grocery list. Running errands and cleaning house....good times! m

My Happy for today: Sleeping in after staying up late scrappin. Then waking up to a full pot of brewed coffee....YUMMY.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Finding The 'Goosebumps' In Life

OK, I am giving this YouTube thing a try because this video on CMT TOTALLY gave me the goosebumps today. There is just something about Tim and Faith....but holy heck!!! There is something to be said about chemistry, that is for sure.

Hope everyone (that celebrated) had an awesome 4th of July. We went to a little farm town carnival/festival thing. It was nice and ... well ... small town. This isn't a bad thing since Bailey wanted to be with her friends and I could still keep an eye out while giving her the freedom she craves. A balance that we are working on. The best part was the fireworks. I am not afraid to say that they totally gave me the goosebumps. When those fireworks were going off with all of the glory of color and sound....I was proud. Proud to be safe and healthy and free and happy and American.

That is about it for the goosebumps...but seriously, take the time to enjoy and appreciate those moments or things that give you the goosebumps (figuratively or literally). Hugs and happiness. m

My Happy for today: Figuring out how to post the YouTube video to share it with you. It took me quite a while, so I was happy when I finally got it to work ;0)

***edit, I am laughing because the video is a little off from the song and the singing and looks kind of funny. But go check it out because it really is pretty cool. In the mean time, I will check out the videos before I post them. LOL.

Monday, July 2, 2007

A Question From Mason...

Who is this?
a.) Shawn b.) Michelle c.) Bailey d.) Mason e.) Booda

LOL! Seriously, Mason and I were playing with the camera and I was able to get another silhouette photo (I am totally crushing on those lately!!!). Mason loved this one, it actually was his favorite of all the ones we took today. He told me that I have to "blog this picture and ask everyone who it is" and then he listed our family as the guesses. Cracked me up because he was soooo into the idea of me posting this picture and asking that question!! So, if you guessed d.) Mason you were correct! And this is for you Buddy, thanks for letting me take you picture many times this afternoon.

At the end of last week we tried a couple of 'firsts' in the Moore home. We made AND ate guacamole. Bailey had tried some at a friends house and LOVED IT! She had been hounding me to get some stuff to make it. Since I am not a huge fan of the texture of avocados I really though, 'ummmm, yeah. I will get right on that Bai'. But I did get the stuff, we made it, and it wasn't too bad. Some how it was even better when I looked it up and could have a 1/4 of a cup for 2 points! Since I am a big dipper this is HUGE!

We also tried fresh pineapple. Last school year, Mason's class had cut up a pineapple and he went on and on about it. He kept hounding us to get one. Well....again, I had never cut up a pineapple, didn't know what to do with one so it wasn't high on my 'must buy list'. BUT I bought one. We cut it up how Mason said that the teacher cut it up at school and grilled half on kabobs. YUMMY. (note: if you cut up a pineapple go a head and cut out the core. Kind of gross watching everyone spit that out and it did taste icky)

I have been feeling a bit bleck lately. Not sure if it was because of the long work weekend (and missing out on some BEAUTIFUL weather), or if I am missing some of my girlies that I have been connecting with, or the stress of last week, could even be hormones (we can always blame those babies!) I do know that I have encountered some awesome people this weekend. One of my all time favorites about working in an emergency room is the diversity of people that cross into your world. Met a lady that was 104 years old!! And still with it, incredible! She totally made me smile. Met a guy that gave me a new outlook on inner strength. Sending out total good wishes to him. Came across these two sisters that were each others best friends. You could tell that they totally lived side by side. There was such and incredible connection that really made me a bit jealous. I wished that my sisters were different so that we could at least speak....sigh. Guess I will just have to keep on stalking my girlie friends for that connection. I am bound and determined to have that friend that years from now will know you so well that if something is good or bad...they can tell just by looking at you.

OK, went on a little ramble there. But it does make me feel better. I am a blurter. Need to get stuff out. This blog, this little web journal of mine helps do that AND it connects me to you. That is sheer coolness. Hugs and happiness to you.

My Happy for today: Mason making me laugh out loud wanting me to blog the question about his picture. It really was funny and sweet.
***Also have to mention that Mikey totally made my next 6 months when he found and picked up for me 16 12-packs of DIET VANILLA PEPSI. (they really don't sell it around here any more) I will be able to satisfy my happy drink addiction for a bit longer ;0)