Saturday, August 11, 2007

All Words, No Show.

All words tonight and no show. I am too tired and still have too many things to do to upload pictures....but I do have bunches that I want to share.

We have been kind of crazy running the last few days.

Went to work on Wednesday and I swear to you it was crazy-busy. Don't even want to talk about that.

Went on a mini vacation day to Chicago all day Thursday. Took the train up and it was crazy-cool. More about that later.

Went scrappin' with A and J today and it was crazy-fun. I totally finished a WHOLE ENTIRE mini sb (minus the journaling), which is huge for me because I am one of those that doesn't seem to get much done at crops.

Went through this whole entire week without acknowledging my favoritest southern scrapper friend's birthday. Feel like a big fat loser friend. But Donna, Sweet Donna....just know that I wish you a Happy Late Birthday and may each and every one of your birthday wishes come true.

Went to the WHY NOT blog and cannot tell you how excited I am about these photo challenges. I have been looking through the lens of my camera with a whole new perspective. Totally cannot wait to see what the girlies come up with!!! Make sure and check it out. (Hit the link on the side under 'Oh The Places I Go')

Need to go...literally and figuratively. LOL! I am really sharing here. ;0)
Sending out hugs and happiness.

My Happy for today: Another blessed day with bunches of happy but I have to say that the sweetest was Shawn picking up my books for me and for finding the 'reading light' that he got me on the bedside table (this after complaining about me reading while he is trying to sleep, and mind you this is a man who can fall asleep walking - SERIOUSLY!).


Angie said...

Crazy running...
Crazy busy...
Crazy fun...

Sounds just plain crazy to me...

dr said...

Sounds like an eventful few days, yeah for you!! Thanks for the b-day wishes!!
Now I wanna seee.