Saturday, June 2, 2007

Ummmm...someone said it was June???

How in the holy heck can it be June already? lol. It just sounds totally strange. June. Eeeaaakkk.

Wanted to take a moment to say how I feel about words. Yep, you read it right...words. They are powerful. Those words that are spoken or written and the words that are left unsaid. Words have a way to inspire, show love, make people happy, and there are even words that can make your heart sigh. Unfortunately words can also break your heart, make you mad, and cause unwanted life changes.

I bring this up because there was a particular person that has sent me messages with such snotty cutting words that cause me to evaluate my words. No matter how I responded her replies just kept coming back with hurtful and mean words. I realize that no matter how much a person professes to be happy, if you have to write with such bitterness your life is not full of happiness. I also realize there are just people who will assume the worst and read what they want to, in essance...they just love the drama. But, I want to take time to remind myself and others that words are powerful and they DO affect people.

I also mention the power of words because of a blog by Ali Edwards where she talked about the power of a word and challenged her readers to chose a word to use this year as a power word, if you will (my words not hers because I cannot remember her exact words). I had chosen "BE". There is a ton that I want to 'be'...and I want to 'just be'.

OK. So where am I going with this....Ali's blog led to a website called One Little Word. TOTAL COOLNESS!! I am going to add it in my web list so that you can check it out because I don't know how to link something without showing the whooooollleeee eeentttiirreee link. (Hey Ang....can you help a girl out with that??) AND... (I am working to my point here....)I would like to hear the words that are powerful for you. Give me the top three that pop into your head or heart. Or if there is a particular quote that moves you...will you share? Plluuuullleeezzz?

Not much going on today. Working around the house.

My Cubies are really honking me off. Although the fit throwing Lou did today totally had me laughing. I think it was because the ump was so short with mirrored glasses and Lou has this big belly and little legs and he kept trying to kick dirt on the umps shoe. They were in a yelling match nose to nose and it was just comical. Lou then proceeded to kick around his hat like a little boy throwing a huge fit in which he needs his butt whooped.

Hate it when you make a mistake in the check book.

Sending the waaaay over priced Chris Daughtry tickets back. :( I just cannot do it, even for CHRIS DAUGHTRY. And I am very thankful that the company is allowing us to return the tickets.

Trying a new font. What do you think? Like it, or not so much?

Hope everyone is having a great Saturday. m

My Happy for today: Getting things done around the house that I have been wanting to get to but kept putting it off, and for the help of Bai, Shawn, and a bit from even the Mase-man.


Leah said...

Yes!! I can't believe it's June either!! We are melting away here.

I am so glad I checked your blog. I am not going to list my 3 powerful words right now, I want to think about this one for awhile.

Words are powerful!! I always ignore the negative words, yes they hurt, but you are right. I always look to the positive and uplifting words that put a smile on my face, and a spring in my step!! Love ya girl, keep on blogging =)

ahuonker said...

OK...first let me just say SERIOUSLY!...seriously?...Is this still going on?? Looks like I am going to have to take a Stink-Eye photo and send it south!!! Enough already!!

So I checked "One Little Word" ...Very Cool! I think you are turning me into a blog stalker too! LOL!

So MY 3 words word have to be...
SERIOUSLY..which I apparently use quite often. For both good and bad.
TRUTH...which is what I am trying to surround myself with, and teach my children about. And I have to say...I am really likin' STOP. It is very straight forward and powerful...I am totally inspired to do a STOP LO now...

I think I can help you with the link thingy...maybe! As for the baseball and the dirt and the hat..and Lou...who the heck is LOU?

and CHRIS!!! What's a girl to returned your what?? You were looking SOOOOO forward to him!

dr said...

AAWWWW! hate it for ya about the mistake and the tickets- WAH! WAH! WAH!

I would like to know exactly what the person was going through that came up with the saying:

"Sticks and stones my break my bones but words can never hurt me"

How untrue is that? Words can cut to the core, cause pain like no other, and your body will heal physically but the effects of painful words last FOREVER!!

I love words! here are 3 right of the top of my head:

Roses are red
Violets are blue

too early for words
needa cuppa happy or 2***

hee hee hee
Made ya smile didn't it?

Tara said...

i agree, i actually did a layout on this topic called "remind me" , it's about how powerful word can be...great blog!