Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I Wanna Know.....

I wanna know what the best face care products are out there. Anyone? I need to know the best soap, and moisturizer. Although if anyone knows some other great products feel free to help. I am sick and tired of spending money on stuff that really doesn't work. The moisturizers are either not enough, too oily or and I can't find a soap that keeps my face from breaking out and pores looking good.....OK, maybe too much info for some but really, this girl needs some help. ;0)

I wanna know how you are doing. Sometimes I get caught up in my world that I don't take the time to make the connections that I need to to keep my relationships strong. Please bear with me on this....I do try. So if you feel up to it, shoot me an email or call me or leave a comment...I will get back to you.

I wanna know if anyone reads the magazine "Scrapbook Trends"? I broke down and picked one up (don't care for the $15 price tag) and I really like it! Not enough to subscribe but I have oodles of ideas from this one book. Not to mention that Staci from a sb site was published in this issue...ROCK ON STACI! And speaking of scrapbook ideas books...I have a bunch that i am passing on. So if anyone is interested let me know and I will tell you what I have and send it off to you.

I wanna know why I am such a flitter-er. Yeah, I know that isn't a word but it is exactly what I do. I flit from one thing to the next without really getting the first thing done. BUT I feel like I get a lot done...just not DONE. Is there medicine to take to F-O-C-U-S? {{{wink}}}

Alright, Shawn is home (because he is on first shift now....WHOOOHOOOO!). I need to go do the 'good wife' thing and ask after his day and start dinner. Loves and hugs. m

My Happy for today: A good long phone conversation with Ang. Great connection going on!


Angie said...

Well....I typically don't use SOUP on my face, but I guess if I did....it would be....chicken noodle!!!! (excuse me for a moment while I GIGGLE out loud at my sharp wit!!)

Maybe if you worked on that whole "focus" issue you wouldn't be breaking out from the "soup" on your face!! (Seriously, I killing myself here!)

Angie said...

I am leaving a disclaimer to any future readers of this particular blog....ORIGINALLY, she was using SOUP....not soap! But, because of the ability to edit...I now look like the nut here!!

Michelle said...

Not sure what the "Disclaimer" is all about, but can we all say Coo-Koo!! LAUGHING!!!! Love ya Ang ;0) m

SKeenan76 said...

You and I have some things in common (but I think we already determined that!)...
Why isn't there a soap that 1) takes away those little pimples that come up, 2) tells those pores to go really small and 3) makes the skin look smooth and silky!?!? LOL! I'm always wasting money on that stuff.