I would like to introduce you to my very first Buddha that Shawn found for me yesterday. I L-O-V-E him!!! He makes me smile. He reminds me that I want to live a happier, fuller, more peaceful life. This sometimes is very difficulty for me. Anyway, he cracks me up with his huge cheesy smile and big belly....I know, you are smiling too - you can't help yourself.

On Saturday the Moore family received happy mail from Ms Donna in LA. She sent the best peaches that the Moore's have EVER had. I am totally serious!! I don't like peaches and I was impressed by these babies. They were huge and beautiful to look at. And listening to Bailey and Shawn eat these things was HIIIILARIOUS! You would have thought that those two had never eaten a peach before. Shawn did say and I will quote here "These are the best peaches that I have eaten in my ENTIRE LIFE. Do you think she can send us some more?" So Beautiful Donna, we thank you. And for all of those people out there in LA you are danged lucky to have such incredible peaches.
A gargantuan WAY TO GO, goes to Ms Angie. She has had a goal to be published and has had a number of her layouts requested for some online newsletters and such. Total coolness!!! Not for one moment did I doubt that she could do it, now I can't wait to see her work in magazines. I will be able to say that I knew her when..... LOL. Congrats girlie!
Just one itty bitty thing about school. My statistics class is kicking me. That's all I am going to say about it. GRRRRRRR
Couldn't sleep last night so I ended up scrappin from like 12:30A to close to 2AM. Craziness, I know because then my body is dragging all day. But something is going on. I seem to be having all kinds of issues with sleeping. I feel like a baby that has her nights and days mixed up. To help with this I have even cut out my coffee at night {{{GASP}}}!!! But I must say that the scrappin felt good. Got one little project done and some organizing...Wohooo.
Hope you all have had a great weekend. Hugs and happiness. m
My Happy for today: Having the afternoon to myself to ummmm....study ;0) Shawn took the kids and even came home with some pictures for me to scrap and a special edition sb magazine. What a guy (totally makes up for being such a great big ass last night).
Yippee yippee- yeah yeah yeah!!!
Glad they got the peaches and they were still ok. I will have to say the are the BEST peaches I've eaten in my entire life too. But then I have been eating them my entire life!!! hee hee
AWW and how sweet for him to bring home some happies for you & pics to scrap!! he's a keeper.
Stats- Repeat after me 'this too shall pass... this too shall pass'
not much longer an you'll be done!!
That Buddha is toooo funny! He does bring out a giggle doesn't he!!
Hope you go alittle more sleep last night!
Sounds like some good peaches!! Loving your buddha too. Shawn sounds really great to take the kids AND bring you home scrapbooking mags.... maybe he could have a little talk with Terry??? LOL. Have a great week girl!!
Wow the peaches sound so good!!
The buddah is hysterical!
Congrats to Angie.
Way to go Shawn!!
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