Bailey wants to go over to a classmates house for a boy girl swim party where the girls sleep over after. The problem here, is that the parents of this classmate have WAAAY different standards and values than we do. So to make this long story short Shawn and I (actually more me because Shawn has said NO outright and is conceding) have compromised and is letting Bai go to the swim party but have drawn the line at the sleepover, reserving the right to randomly pop in at the swim party. Ya think this would be good enough....nope. Now it becomes an issue of pushing the curfew. Then it becomes if so and so stays til such and such time can I....grrrrrr. I am not ready for Bai to grow up in the holy heck can I deal with this teenage crap-o-la?
So here I am grrrr-ing at all of that and hear this conversation which makes me laugh....
Mason had a virus of some sort at the end of last week. His tummy hurt, fever, felt better, then tummy hurt and dizziness. I ended up taking him to the dr to make sure it wasn't his ear (which it wasn't) and Mason began feeling better after the dr's visit. Now this has already been two days into not feeling well so without the dr's apt he could have started feeling better but I didn't want him in the lake water with an ear infection. ANYHOOO...he started feeling better and Bai was giving him a hard time saying that he was "playing hooky and faking it". Mason took HUGE offense to this because he really didn't feel good. So they would bicker back and forth until I said .... you guessed it "ENOUGH". So today they were bantering about something and Bai mentioned again (just to get the poor guy riled up) "yeah, well at least I don't play hooky." Mason comes running to me saying "Mommy tell Bai that I was not plaing HOOKER!!". I swear that boy has peanut butter in his ears....hooker??? How can you get hooker from hooky?? And with my grand parenting skills I just start laughing. I can't help myself. Let me say that didn't help the situation......but it was funny and I lost my grrrrr.
So can you laugh and grrr at the same time?? Nope, I sure can't.
It is Wednesday so make sure and check out the fabulous photos for the week at here>>>>> (still need to figure out the link thingy without showing the link, LOL) Hugs and happiness to ya. m
My Happy for today: Laughter and coffee
I don't know M~..makes me glad to have only boys to deal with!!
I haven't figured out how to do the link thing either.. Bugs me!!
Hookey and hooker.. yep not sure how those became alike!! He's too cute!!
Sounds like your today was a little like my yesterday...except I didn't have the laughter!
hooker??? What are you letting that boy watch..LOL!
ahhhh hahahhhaaaa!! See I can laugh because I too have a Mason who would get hooker from hooky. Some kinda central auditory thing. It is funny sometimes what they come up with.
I say STICK TO YOUR GUNS!!! You are the parent and she is a ball of hormones and not quite old enough to understand what all that entails. She is possesed, don't you remember? I can't count one both hands the number of times I embarrased myself during puberty.
You the MOMMA!! I got yer back!!
LOL. Loving your grrr stories. You know what I love about you.... I think YOU can grr and laugh at the same time. This might be harder for others, such as myself. LOL.
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