Thursday, June 7, 2007

Hot Pink Feather Pen

OK, so the title has nothing to do with anything. LOL. I couldn't come up with one and was looking at Bai's hot pink feather pen. It is the pen that I have been using while working on my statistics class. Have to spice it up some how. {{{wink}}}

Today has been uneventful. Bai and Mase had eye doctor appointments and when we got home we went swimming for a bit. It has become glaringly obvious that my brand new swimsuit, while looks OK dry, doesn't do as well wet. LOL. You know, maybe it isn't so much the swim suit...but the body that is in it. Hehehe. Working on that though (still).

The rest of the afternoon I have been working on my online statistics class. {{making a icky face here}}. My goal is to not crack a book the whole entire weekend! Considering that I work ALL weekend I am really needing to not have to worry about homework.

Working on a couple of scrapping projects. Currently I am in a circle journal in which we should be wrapping up in the next couple of months and I am totally excited to get my journal back. I am dying to see the pages the girls created.

Now I am off to go create some fun stuff. After all of this homework I am feeling the need to play with paper and glue and photographs. m

My Happy for today: Getting the new Creating Keepsake in the mail. WOOOHOOOO! Love the CD Muskosky article and as alway...Ms Ali E!


ahuonker said...

ugh!!!! Swimsuits!!

Tanya said...

Oh blimey, don't even talk about swinsuits!!
The title rocks!!
Homework sucks!!
But paper and glue is our therapy!!

dr said...

Welp- if paper and glue are therapy- I just got out of rehab.
missed ya while I was there;)

Leah said...

Wow, all your creativity lately is making me want to be creative.... it's too bad I have to drag my butt to soccer once again!