Thursday, June 28, 2007
Perfectly Alright
Had my Weight Watchers meeting today. I was up .8 and let me tell you that I was a little miffed about that. Don't get me wrong, I am not exercising more and making better diet decisions JUST to lose weight....I really do want to be healthier and have my family healthier....but dang!!!! I have been RUNNING all week (OK, not really 'running' but a definate 1/4 of a mile jog incoorporated into the 2 mile walk...but still!!! It feels like running to me). Every single day this week, totally motivated and eating healthy....and a GAIN. {{{sigh}}} Just wasn't what I expected. But don't think for a moment that I am unmotivated. Nope, I still have my mojo and went for the bike/walk tonight....2 MILES baby! I also have to say that I understand that I am changing muscle into fat and muscle weights more and I might be retaining a bit of water. I do. But still.....
***Kudos to Angie she is rocking the scale and her clothes!! Check out her blog to see if she posts her outstanding accomplishments so far. (Not going to even try the linky thing - just click on the link at the side)
Even though the weather was blah and the weight thing was blah, I had an very nice afternoon at Angie's. Mason L-O-V-E-D playing with her boys and her wraps that she made for lunch....ummmm can we say delish??!!! (and only 4 freaking points) I totally went out and bought the ingredients to have for my lunch over this weekend ->->->a long work weekend.
Have I mentioned that I really like having Shawn home in the evenings??? It has been a LONG time since he was home for dinners and family stuff. I actually am cooking again and not having 'free for all' dinners. Kind of nice....OK, REALLY nice.
Think I am going in tomorrow for tutoring in my stats class. For some reason it is really kicking my butt and I am so stressed about it. Stressed to the point of my shoulders hurting. Send me some smart vibes.....pppuuulllleeeezzz ;0) I even brought out the big guns and dusted off my "Psycho Chihuahua binder that I used for my paramedic school. It says "I don't roll over and I don't play dead". Cracks me up!!! Maybe I will post a picture soon because it really is funny.
C - haven't forgot about the idea books. I will get the list to you.
Off to go dig back into the book with my highlighter...Good Times. Hugs and Happies to ya. m
My Happy for today: There were a few things today that made me happy but I am going to go with the laughter one. While on the bike/walk, Shawn grabbed Mason's stuffed raccoon (Bubba) and stuffed it in the back waistband of his shorts then proceeded to ride away with a striped tail sticking out the back while Mason had a FO. Now really this isn't funny picking on a little boy, but if you would have seen the raccoon tail sticking out while Shawn was riding away (acting like a little boy!!!).....too funny. AND not to mention that Mason is a pistol at times, it is a way for that orneriness to come back to him. Mason did get Bubba back safe and sound ;0) Everyone was peaceful again and all was right with the world. I so totally love that laughter of life!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I got the runs.

Tonight I was talking to Donna on my cell phone today and the call totally dropped while I continued to talk. Completely reminded me of the commercials. Sorry about that Ms. Donna. I will catch up with you again but it was good to hear from you!
Not really much else going on here. And nothing is a good thing for us this week. ;) Hugs and happiness to you. m
My Happy for today: Having Shawn home in the evenings. Taking family walks.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
I Wanna Know.....
I wanna know how you are doing. Sometimes I get caught up in my world that I don't take the time to make the connections that I need to to keep my relationships strong. Please bear with me on this....I do try. So if you feel up to it, shoot me an email or call me or leave a comment...I will get back to you.
I wanna know if anyone reads the magazine "Scrapbook Trends"? I broke down and picked one up (don't care for the $15 price tag) and I really like it! Not enough to subscribe but I have oodles of ideas from this one book. Not to mention that Staci from a sb site was published in this issue...ROCK ON STACI! And speaking of scrapbook ideas books...I have a bunch that i am passing on. So if anyone is interested let me know and I will tell you what I have and send it off to you.
I wanna know why I am such a flitter-er. Yeah, I know that isn't a word but it is exactly what I do. I flit from one thing to the next without really getting the first thing done. BUT I feel like I get a lot done...just not DONE. Is there medicine to take to F-O-C-U-S? {{{wink}}}
Alright, Shawn is home (because he is on first shift now....WHOOOHOOOO!). I need to go do the 'good wife' thing and ask after his day and start dinner. Loves and hugs. m
My Happy for today: A good long phone conversation with Ang. Great connection going on!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Big and Juicy Randomness
I would like to introduce you to my very first Buddha that Shawn found for me yesterday. I L-O-V-E him!!! He makes me smile. He reminds me that I want to live a happier, fuller, more peaceful life. This sometimes is very difficulty for me. Anyway, he cracks me up with his huge cheesy smile and big belly....I know, you are smiling too - you can't help yourself.

On Saturday the Moore family received happy mail from Ms Donna in LA. She sent the best peaches that the Moore's have EVER had. I am totally serious!! I don't like peaches and I was impressed by these babies. They were huge and beautiful to look at. And listening to Bailey and Shawn eat these things was HIIIILARIOUS! You would have thought that those two had never eaten a peach before. Shawn did say and I will quote here "These are the best peaches that I have eaten in my ENTIRE LIFE. Do you think she can send us some more?" So Beautiful Donna, we thank you. And for all of those people out there in LA you are danged lucky to have such incredible peaches.
A gargantuan WAY TO GO, goes to Ms Angie. She has had a goal to be published and has had a number of her layouts requested for some online newsletters and such. Total coolness!!! Not for one moment did I doubt that she could do it, now I can't wait to see her work in magazines. I will be able to say that I knew her when..... LOL. Congrats girlie!
Just one itty bitty thing about school. My statistics class is kicking me. That's all I am going to say about it. GRRRRRRR
Couldn't sleep last night so I ended up scrappin from like 12:30A to close to 2AM. Craziness, I know because then my body is dragging all day. But something is going on. I seem to be having all kinds of issues with sleeping. I feel like a baby that has her nights and days mixed up. To help with this I have even cut out my coffee at night {{{GASP}}}!!! But I must say that the scrappin felt good. Got one little project done and some organizing...Wohooo.
Hope you all have had a great weekend. Hugs and happiness. m
My Happy for today: Having the afternoon to myself to ;0) Shawn took the kids and even came home with some pictures for me to scrap and a special edition sb magazine. What a guy (totally makes up for being such a great big ass last night).
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Really quick...
Kind of boring. But ya know, boring isn't all bad.
Just letting you all know I am still kicking. Have to work tomorrow, but expect a juicy blog sometime this weekend........welllll->->->maybe not so big and not so juicy but a Michelle blog none the less.{{{big open mouth, scrunched up half of a face, WINK}}}
Hugs and happiness. m
My Happy for today: Getting my homework DONE, all that is left for the week is a quiz and studying for the test. (Betcha all get tired of the homework blah stuff I write about, me tooo! Thanks for listening/reading crazy as it may sound, it really does help me get through knowing that you all are there to lean on when I need to moan and groan about it) You all totally ROCK!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Can you laugh and grrrr at the same time?
Bailey wants to go over to a classmates house for a boy girl swim party where the girls sleep over after. The problem here, is that the parents of this classmate have WAAAY different standards and values than we do. So to make this long story short Shawn and I (actually more me because Shawn has said NO outright and is conceding) have compromised and is letting Bai go to the swim party but have drawn the line at the sleepover, reserving the right to randomly pop in at the swim party. Ya think this would be good enough....nope. Now it becomes an issue of pushing the curfew. Then it becomes if so and so stays til such and such time can I....grrrrrr. I am not ready for Bai to grow up in the holy heck can I deal with this teenage crap-o-la?
So here I am grrrr-ing at all of that and hear this conversation which makes me laugh....
Mason had a virus of some sort at the end of last week. His tummy hurt, fever, felt better, then tummy hurt and dizziness. I ended up taking him to the dr to make sure it wasn't his ear (which it wasn't) and Mason began feeling better after the dr's visit. Now this has already been two days into not feeling well so without the dr's apt he could have started feeling better but I didn't want him in the lake water with an ear infection. ANYHOOO...he started feeling better and Bai was giving him a hard time saying that he was "playing hooky and faking it". Mason took HUGE offense to this because he really didn't feel good. So they would bicker back and forth until I said .... you guessed it "ENOUGH". So today they were bantering about something and Bai mentioned again (just to get the poor guy riled up) "yeah, well at least I don't play hooky." Mason comes running to me saying "Mommy tell Bai that I was not plaing HOOKER!!". I swear that boy has peanut butter in his ears....hooker??? How can you get hooker from hooky?? And with my grand parenting skills I just start laughing. I can't help myself. Let me say that didn't help the situation......but it was funny and I lost my grrrrr.
So can you laugh and grrr at the same time?? Nope, I sure can't.
It is Wednesday so make sure and check out the fabulous photos for the week at here>>>>> (still need to figure out the link thingy without showing the link, LOL) Hugs and happiness to ya. m
My Happy for today: Laughter and coffee
Monday, June 18, 2007
*Fun in the Sun *
I am going to kick off my blog with one of our smoochie-woochie, kissey pictures that makes everyone say eewwww gag. LOL. But I love them, they make me smile.

Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day....

Hope all the other dads out there are appreciated for all of those things that dads do to.
We spent the day on the boat...very nice. Have some totally cool pictures to share but you will have to come back tomorrow because the sun sucked all the energy out of me.
Hope, Hugs, and Happiness to you. m
My Happy for today: Shawn's full on belly laugh as I tried to make a jump for the giant tube and flopped myself right off and into the lake. That sound of his laughter filled me with happiness....and you know, had I seen myself flopping into the lake I would have laughed too!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Sippin' A Cuppa Happy
I have completed my homework....ALL of it for the week. Now I have the rest of today and ALL DAY TOMORROW to kick back. My goal was to have it done before Saturday but, hey, I was close and I won't mention how good I was at 'avoiding, without really avoiding' this week. LOL
FYI for those who advised with my hubby thing...Shawn is going out with the guys. I really do hope that he has a nice time but watch out if he acts like an idiot because of the idiots he surrounds himself with!
Last night I jogged/walked TWO miles! Oh, yeah....I totally rock. Felt good too. Now if I can just keep this momentum up. It was Baily, Mason and I went on the bike/walk/jog. (Mason rides the bike because of his little legs...although not so little any more) We have this path that we follow that we know is two miles. It is the path that we travel on most of our bike/walks...which reminded Bailey of a Mason story that I had already forgotten.
When he was three he broke his arm pretty bad (very traumatizing for me as a parent) and I became very overprotective of Mason doing any kind of activity...always yelling "slow down" or "don't do that you'll get hurt". Anyway it was shortly after the MTV show "Punk'd" came out, we were going for our bike/walk and Mason had ridden his little bike on ahead of us. He layed the bike down in the gravel and fell to the side of the bike lying sprawled out...I ran up to him saying "WHAT HAPPENED??" He starts giggling (with his huge Shawn dimpples and great big blue eyes) and says "punk'd ya!!!". He was FOUR YEARS OLD and he thought he got me good and was so puffed up. LOL. We all laughed our buts off. I am sure reading this might not have the same effect but our memory of that story fills us with warm contentment and makes us smile. Love that.
Hey want you to check out and bookmark this blog (still can't figure out how to link the damn link without showing the whole link!! GRRRR). This is Angie and she has just begun the blog journey in her own blog spot. Keep an eye out because she has got it going on.
Somethings that I am loving lately:
Weight Watchers caramel cakes (1 flippin' point), and Dove chocolate bites!! Yummy
The Secret
letting go
The glimpses into others lives through their blogs and photography (check my list of "Oh The Places I Go")
The new Elliott Yamin sweet.
What's up with D Lee throwing punches during the game today??? Kind of craziness. And the Cubs didn't even get the win. GRRRR.
Need to go play and catch up with some girlies. Hugs, hope and happiness to you. m
My Happy for today: Getting my homework done!! (that is more like relief, but that relief made me happy) LOL
Thursday, June 14, 2007
List # 412,323
2. Today was my Weight Watchers meeting. I am down another 2.6 pounds. I can only imagine how I would feel and look if I could maintain the exercise motivation. It is on a list to work on (again) this week. {{{wink}}}
3. Today I accomplished a load of laundry, a load of dishes, a taxi trip for a play date for Mason (that lasted 15 minutes because he had a belly ache, not sure what happened there because he napped and feels all better), a taxi trip to take Bailey and her friend out to the school for volleyball conditioning, all of my Humanities homework for the week, pissing off Shawn because I didn't want him going out after work on Saturday with some of his irresponsible friends (is this bad of me??....see #4), and I haven't acctually accomplished it yet...but I am going for a walk after a bit. A somewaht productive day.
4. So after a bazillion years Shawn is going to go to first shift. I didn't think that he would because he works with a group of guys that he really has fun with. Shawn is also the type of guy that doesn't like change but he did. He is going to first shift.....WOOOHOOO! We will actually have a normal family life with Shawn home in the evenings. He will be able to go to sports and school events, and family dinners....sigh....this sounds so nice! OK>>>>here is my bump. The guys on his shift want to take him out for drinks on Saturday. A few of these guys are....well, they are party irresponsible guys that are in their 30's and haven't grown up. I feel when Shawn is around these guys he "goes with the flow" and I don't like the flow. So I said "do what you want, just be smart." This seem to honk Shawn off which led to a whole argument about my judgementalness (is that a word) and why I don't EVER like any of his friends...blah, blah, blah. So, should I have just put on a happy wife smile and said, "oh go honey, have a blast"? Grrrrr. I wish I knew how better to deal with these sort of issues.
5. Need to work on my scrapping "to-do" list. I have a circle journal that I need to get put together. There has also been a layout on my desk needing just journaling and it should be done...but I just haven't taken the time to finish it. Going to do that after my walk. seriously, I am!
6. My thoughts are with the girlies that are struggling. The ones that have told me that life is stinking right now because of spouses or situations. Won't air your business but know that I am thinking of you.
I am stopping with the 6, so that I can get ready for my walk. :)
Hope, Hugs, and Happiness to you. m
My Happy for today: I have two... 1. Shawn calling me back to apologize for the argument 2. brunch with Ang, really lovin' those.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Tanya got me ;)
I was tagged by the oh so lovely Tanya. Loved reading her answers. I have a love-hate thing with these tags...I love to read them, but hate taking the time to do them. But you is super uber cool to look back on your answers. So take the time to do them, they will make you smile reading them a year from now.

Favorite Color: GREEN!!!
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Month: Not sure I have a 'favorite month' but I will go with April
Favorite Song: There is no way to just pick 1!
Favorite Movie: Blue Crush (total girl power with lovey-dovey stuff and deep friendship bonds)
Favorite Sport To watch : Baseball>>>Go Cubs!! (Please do something!)
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Day of the week: Fridays
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Birthday cake ice cream...oh so YUMMY
Favorite Time of Day: Evenings/nights
Current Mood: Content
Current Taste: Ummmm, not sure on this one
Current Clothes: T-shirt, capris, flip flops
First Pet: A beagel named Princess
First Piercing: Not exactly sure but I think it was when I was 11 or 12, my ears
First Crush: Time Leadley in first grade, LOL.
First CD: Can't remember
First car: Z28 Camaro
Last Cigarette: March 2003
Last Drink: Ummmm, it's been a loooong while cause I can't see to remember
Last Car Ride: Home from classes
Last Kiss: a kiss from Mason when I got home from class
Last Movie Seen: The Pursuit of Happiness
Last Phone Call: Shawn on his lunch break
Last CD Played: A book on CD by Sandra Brown
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Guy/Girl Friends: Nope, not that I can recall. But I have been with Shawn since I was 16.....
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Yes
Have You Ever Been Arrested: Nope
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Yep and yes alcohol was involved.
Have You Ever Been on TV: Nope but Sara and I were medics in a zombie movie, LMAO!! Great memories!
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: I don't think so
Thing You're Wearing: a cub hat, my wedding ring, t-shirt, capri, flip flops
Thing You've Done Today: went to class, dishes, checked email
Thing You Can Hear Right Now: Mason talking on the phone to his friend about his webkinz, and the Cub game
Thing You Can't Live Without: Shawn, Bailey, Mason, and coffee
Thing You Do When You're Bored: Make/drink coffee, read, nap,
Class, home, .... that's it for today
I only have two...Shawn, and Angie (there is a great friendship brewin')
1. Black or White: Black2. Hot or Cold: Hot
Find my zen life and live it to the absolute best!
I am tagging three beautiful girlies 1. Ang (you knew it was coming) 2. Leah, the lovely Leah who doesn't know how beautiful she is 3. Sweet sweet sweet Donna B
Hugs and happiness to you all. m
My Happy for today: A longish phone conversation.
Monday, June 11, 2007
AHhh...a new day, a new week.
Some random stuff:
***Worked all weekend. It went OK, but I am wiped out and have bunches of stuff that I want to get done...oh wait, I ALWAYS have bunches of stuff that I want to get done. LOL
***Today I miss Sara like crazy. We spent so much time on the phone and in each others lives and on days like today, I just miss it. Miss the connection. Miss the communicating. Miss her.
***My laptop is back to normal. Actually it was the router that was wigging out. Thanks to Shawn and Kelly, my laptop FO is over. All better...although I have come to realize that I have to add the computer/internet to my addiction list.
***Received an email that made me chuckle from
To-Do List
You seem very calm for a woman who's getting married,
I said & she nodded.
It's on my to-do list, she said,
so there's no point in agonizing about it.
and there you have it! No use in agonizing about it if it is on your list. Right? Just "To Do it". LOL, I cracked myself up on that one. {{{wink}}}
***It is said that men are not wired the same way as women and Shawn proves this to me over and over. LOL. Things that go on and make sense in his mind cause me to say "whaat?" and vice versa. Kind of funny if you stop to think about it. We really seem to be from two different planets at times.
***Why does the laundry never get DONE?
As always...I had a billion things that I wanted to blog about, but now that I made time to blog...can't seem to think of all the super cool stuff that I needed to blog about. Figures!
Hugs and happiness. m
My Happy for today: Coffee made for me this morning by the oh so hot Shawn!
Friday, June 8, 2007
Stress...feeling it in the neck.
Played with some new water colors. LOVED THEM. Although I think I am only good at the abstract. Can't really seem to figure out how to actually paint anything that others might be able to make out. But it is SO much fun. Here is my little palette. As always colors are much better in real life....

Thursday, June 7, 2007
Hot Pink Feather Pen
Today has been uneventful. Bai and Mase had eye doctor appointments and when we got home we went swimming for a bit. It has become glaringly obvious that my brand new swimsuit, while looks OK dry, doesn't do as well wet. LOL. You know, maybe it isn't so much the swim suit...but the body that is in it. Hehehe. Working on that though (still).
The rest of the afternoon I have been working on my online statistics class. {{making a icky face here}}. My goal is to not crack a book the whole entire weekend! Considering that I work ALL weekend I am really needing to not have to worry about homework.
Working on a couple of scrapping projects. Currently I am in a circle journal in which we should be wrapping up in the next couple of months and I am totally excited to get my journal back. I am dying to see the pages the girls created.
Now I am off to go create some fun stuff. After all of this homework I am feeling the need to play with paper and glue and photographs. m
My Happy for today: Getting the new Creating Keepsake in the mail. WOOOHOOOO! Love the CD Muskosky article and as alway...Ms Ali E!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
One Of Those Days
One of those days where things that I am normally able to let go....sting a little more than they should.
One of those days where Shawn in his trying-to-be-the-sympathetic-hubby-but-not-really says "Is it that time of the month?"
One of those days that there really isn't anything wrong, but something isn't quite right.
One of those days in which you have stuff that needs to get done but for some reason tonight seems like a better time to do them.
One of those days where your laptop decided that it is going to wig out on you (right about the time you are starting your online class). Any computer guru's out there that can lend a sister a hand? {{{wink}}}...seriously though, need computer help! LOL.
One of those days in which people make you shake your head and wrinkle your forehead with a "Whaaat?".
Have you had one of those days? m
My Happy for today: Having Mason read to me in the hammock this afternoon. Mason reading is a HUGE accomplishment all by itself. That he wants to read and that we were able to enjoy the reading time together is amazing.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
The house to myself...for the most part.

My Happy for today: You guessed it, didn't you? ... HAVING THE HOUSE TO MYSELF ;)
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Ummmm...someone said it was June???
Wanted to take a moment to say how I feel about words. Yep, you read it right...words. They are powerful. Those words that are spoken or written and the words that are left unsaid. Words have a way to inspire, show love, make people happy, and there are even words that can make your heart sigh. Unfortunately words can also break your heart, make you mad, and cause unwanted life changes.
I bring this up because there was a particular person that has sent me messages with such snotty cutting words that cause me to evaluate my words. No matter how I responded her replies just kept coming back with hurtful and mean words. I realize that no matter how much a person professes to be happy, if you have to write with such bitterness your life is not full of happiness. I also realize there are just people who will assume the worst and read what they want to, in essance...they just love the drama. But, I want to take time to remind myself and others that words are powerful and they DO affect people.
I also mention the power of words because of a blog by Ali Edwards where she talked about the power of a word and challenged her readers to chose a word to use this year as a power word, if you will (my words not hers because I cannot remember her exact words). I had chosen "BE". There is a ton that I want to 'be'...and I want to 'just be'.
OK. So where am I going with this....Ali's blog led to a website called One Little Word. TOTAL COOLNESS!! I am going to add it in my web list so that you can check it out because I don't know how to link something without showing the whooooollleeee eeentttiirreee link. (Hey Ang....can you help a girl out with that??) AND... (I am working to my point here....)I would like to hear the words that are powerful for you. Give me the top three that pop into your head or heart. Or if there is a particular quote that moves you...will you share? Plluuuullleeezzz?
Not much going on today. Working around the house.
My Cubies are really honking me off. Although the fit throwing Lou did today totally had me laughing. I think it was because the ump was so short with mirrored glasses and Lou has this big belly and little legs and he kept trying to kick dirt on the umps shoe. They were in a yelling match nose to nose and it was just comical. Lou then proceeded to kick around his hat like a little boy throwing a huge fit in which he needs his butt whooped.
Hate it when you make a mistake in the check book.
Sending the waaaay over priced Chris Daughtry tickets back. :( I just cannot do it, even for CHRIS DAUGHTRY. And I am very thankful that the company is allowing us to return the tickets.
Trying a new font. What do you think? Like it, or not so much?
Hope everyone is having a great Saturday. m
My Happy for today: Getting things done around the house that I have been wanting to get to but kept putting it off, and for the help of Bai, Shawn, and a bit from even the Mase-man.