Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Having me some french vanilla coffee with a smidge of lite whipped cream.
I am letting go of the fact that I cannot get my printer to print the photos I need to complete 2 projects I am working on.
Just enjoying the coffee.
Enjoying the opportunities that have been given to me today.
Enjoying the sense of humor my family has. For instance, Bai had a mini list made on the bathroom mirror with dry earase marker that said 1. Walk Booda 2. Give Boo his carrot (yeah the doggie diet). NOTE***my list making DNA was passed to both of my children. Cracks me up!! Anyhooo....last night as I was getting ready for bed I noticed that Bai's list had been 'modified' by my funny hubby. The new list said 1. Walk Mommy 2. Give Mommy her carrot.
LMAO! That was a good one.
Last year Ali Edwards had a challenge of some sort, or maybe it was just an idea...about choosing a word for the year to work on for yourself, sort of a mantra or goal or inspiration. This year my chosen word was 'Be'. I used it alot and found the whole concept very interesting. (Check out her blog at the end of 2006, begining of 2007 because she totally articulates so much better than I do). Because I liked the whole concept and it felt so good to isolate and focus on just one word....I have chosen my 2008 word -------> BALANCE. For me 2008 will be about finding balance in all aspects of my life. Kind of a big huge challenge. LOVE IT! What is you word?
Still enjoying my coffee and off for a refill.
Hugs and happies and enjoy the moments that make you mmmmmmmmm.....
I am letting go of the fact that I cannot get my printer to print the photos I need to complete 2 projects I am working on.
Just enjoying the coffee.
Enjoying the opportunities that have been given to me today.
Enjoying the sense of humor my family has. For instance, Bai had a mini list made on the bathroom mirror with dry earase marker that said 1. Walk Booda 2. Give Boo his carrot (yeah the doggie diet). NOTE***my list making DNA was passed to both of my children. Cracks me up!! Anyhooo....last night as I was getting ready for bed I noticed that Bai's list had been 'modified' by my funny hubby. The new list said 1. Walk Mommy 2. Give Mommy her carrot.
LMAO! That was a good one.
Last year Ali Edwards had a challenge of some sort, or maybe it was just an idea...about choosing a word for the year to work on for yourself, sort of a mantra or goal or inspiration. This year my chosen word was 'Be'. I used it alot and found the whole concept very interesting. (Check out her blog at the end of 2006, begining of 2007 because she totally articulates so much better than I do). Because I liked the whole concept and it felt so good to isolate and focus on just one word....I have chosen my 2008 word -------> BALANCE. For me 2008 will be about finding balance in all aspects of my life. Kind of a big huge challenge. LOVE IT! What is you word?
Still enjoying my coffee and off for a refill.
Hugs and happies and enjoy the moments that make you mmmmmmmmm.....
Saturday, November 24, 2007
More Thanksgiving and Sharing
I uploaded some pictures today and wanted to share some of the hard work that Shawn has done to update our home. Here is the old staircase....
that matched the old wallpaper. Although the butterflies totally made me smile!!
And the new and improved solid oak staircase. I should probably get a picture of it completely finished because it really does look nice but I haven't yet. Ooops. ;o) Also should have rotated the pictures before I uploaded but I forgot until it was already done so you will just have to turn your head to the side again. LOL! Like you would expect any less from me. hehehe.
Today my mom and step dad came over for our Thanksgiving. It was really nice. I have to say that the afternoon was more enjoyable without the stress that my sisters bring (a long dysfunctional story). It was just so nice and allowed for me to truly be thankful for my Mom and Jeff and the time we spent together. We all played Guesstures and that was a blast! I will have some pictures of that fun to share. I especially liked my mom's 'snake' imitation, Bailey's 'aroma' and a few other one that you will just have to see the pictures to appreciate.
Poor Booda is on a doggie diet of major proportions. He can only have a cup a day of this special (freakin' expensive) dog food and carrots or potatoes. He is very overweight (according to the vet) which plays a roll in his breathing problems, and he has had some extensive allergy issues. So we are doing some kind of food allergy test thing which means all he gets to eat is a cup of his dog food, carrots and potatoes.
Yes, I am a sap. LOL! I really do {{{heart}}} Shawn. What do you think of my special made apron. Taking orders...anyone want to {heart} someone or something??? ;o) I have left over iron-ons...Let me know and I will work my magic and make one for YOU because I know after you see mine, you cannot wait to get you hands on one!
OK, and as if I didn't have enough time to do the things I want/need to do such and household chores, reading, scrappin', artsy-fartys stuff, running here and there, homework, teaching....etc - I somehow got a wild hair to learn how to knit. Why? WHY NOT? But the only real answer I have is that there is this really super uber knitted messenger bag that I wanted to knit. And it is just something that I wanted to learn.
So yesterday I picked up $3 knitting needles, $2 thing (forget what it is called skein I think) of yarn, and a $10 'How To Knit' book (should have saved my ten dollars because the video I found online was so much more helpful. I am definitely a visual learner) and here I am. A total KNIT-WIT! That is what Shawn kept calling me....a knit wit. Cracked us up. Actually he kind of did that OMGoh-woman-you-do-NOT-need-another-hobby/project! Although I think he was pretty impressed with my craftiness.
My first ever knitting attempt is a Webkinz blanket for Mason's Pongo...I think that is his elephant. What do you think? Am I totally and completely going crazy? LMAO!!!!!
I agree ;o)
Hope you all are having an awesome weekend. I need to go save the hubby from the 'cop' who is going to 'mase' him with the water bottle.....maybe I will grab the camera fist. ;o)

Poor Booda is on a doggie diet of major proportions. He can only have a cup a day of this special (freakin' expensive) dog food and carrots or potatoes. He is very overweight (according to the vet) which plays a roll in his breathing problems, and he has had some extensive allergy issues. So we are doing some kind of food allergy test thing which means all he gets to eat is a cup of his dog food, carrots and potatoes.

Hope you all are having an awesome weekend. I need to go save the hubby from the 'cop' who is going to 'mase' him with the water bottle.....maybe I will grab the camera fist. ;o)
Hugs and happies.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I am thankful for:
*Two beautiful, healthy, happy, fun children.
*A husband who balances me very well and that after 15 years I adore more than ever.
*Our home, warm, safe, and comfortable.
*My friends...each and everyone of you.
*My family who has helped shape the person that I am - good, bad, and ugly-.
*A creative outlet with my scrap-art.
*A Thanksgiving holiday in which we are running NO WHERE...our very first Thanksgiving Dinner at our home, on the actual day, in 15 years.
*Jobs for both Shawn and I that support our family.
*Books and the ability to read.
*The internet so I can connect on a level that would other wise be impossible.
*New carpet.
*Coffee and Diet Vanilla Pepsi.
*Happy mail.
There is just so very much that I am thankful for.
I am off to enjoy the day with my family.
I am THANKFUL for that.
Hugs and happies.
PS Shawn smiled his gorgeous dimples smile at that 'I {heart} SHAWN' apron. And on the message board I found doodled "I {heart} Chelle-Chelle'. Love that man.
*Two beautiful, healthy, happy, fun children.
*A husband who balances me very well and that after 15 years I adore more than ever.
*Our home, warm, safe, and comfortable.
*My friends...each and everyone of you.
*My family who has helped shape the person that I am - good, bad, and ugly-.
*A creative outlet with my scrap-art.
*A Thanksgiving holiday in which we are running NO WHERE...our very first Thanksgiving Dinner at our home, on the actual day, in 15 years.
*Jobs for both Shawn and I that support our family.
*Books and the ability to read.
*The internet so I can connect on a level that would other wise be impossible.
*New carpet.
*Coffee and Diet Vanilla Pepsi.
*Happy mail.
There is just so very much that I am thankful for.
I am off to enjoy the day with my family.
I am THANKFUL for that.
Hugs and happies.
PS Shawn smiled his gorgeous dimples smile at that 'I {heart} SHAWN' apron. And on the message board I found doodled "I {heart} Chelle-Chelle'. Love that man.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I {heart} SHAWN
Just finished ironing on "I {big red glittery felt heart} SHAWN" to an ol' cheap-o apron that I picked up at HL for two bucks! Let me tell you ... this apron TOTALLY MAKES ME HAPPY! This homemade apron makes me happy for a number of reasons but mostly because I know that when Shawn sees me wearing it, he will smile this humungous smile with his dimples popping. :0) And for your info....I do not usually wear aprons, just when I am crafting (sometimes). Usually it is after I have dropped the paint brush on my good jeans ... then I get the apron out. But this apron will be worn when I teach my scrapbooking class in Feb. I will have to get a picture of it posted for you.
IT is rainy and dreary out but it is a good day.
Bai is happy.
Mase is happy.
Shawn will be happy.
I am happy.
It is a good day.
Hugs and happies.
IT is rainy and dreary out but it is a good day.
Bai is happy.
Mase is happy.
Shawn will be happy.
I am happy.
It is a good day.
Hugs and happies.
Monday, November 19, 2007
A Flippin' Week .... GONE!
I know that you may not believe me but every 'to do' list of my has BLOGGING on it. That shows you how many times a week I get my 'to do' list completed. LOL!
Sorry about the changes going on with the blog. Just haven't found anything that felt like MICHELLE. Although I am thinking this latest change feels good.
Worked the weekend. It wasn't too bad just long. I got the kiddos up and off to school this morning and went back to sleep. Lazy...I totally know but it seems my body needed it. I have just accepted that fact that my bodies natural circadian rhythm is a night time cycle. I am not a morning person, have not ever been able to 'become' a morning person and late afternoon and night is when I can start rockin' it. There is nothing wrong with that. Night people stand up and say "HECK YEAH!". ;0)
Sent out an email today to a person that hurt me pretty bad with accusations, their insecurities, and stipulations on our friendship. I emailed because I realized that I had taken the hurt and held onto it and allowed it to become bitterness. I don't need no stinkin' bitterness in my life. I have enough crap without hanging on to something like that. So, for me, in order to let go...I said that words that I needed to say and moved on. How much better and free I feel. Advise to you all......LET GO when you need to by just saying the words. We hold onto so much baggage and allow it to weigh us down....maybe I am projecting the 'we'. Maybe it is just me. BUT if it is you.....LET GO. It feels good.
Most anyone that knows anything about me knows that I am a reader. I sometimes get offended when someone says "I don't know when you find the time to read" as if I do nothing but read and that their life is just too busy to bother with reading. While I know that there are some that don't mean anything by it other than I read alot and where the heck do I find the is like anything in your life. If it is important enough to you, then you some how make the time for it. I read on commercials, while waiting in the car picking up the kiddos from school activities, read waiting while waiting for most appointments, the light to turn green (kidding!), I read before bed with my little maglite flashlight as to not bother Shawn....So I read. Right? I like to read. Where am I going with this? I am wanting to know if there are other readers out there. I am going to be starting a book (have already sneaked into it a bit) called Flow The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (have no freakin' idea how to say it) and I want to know if anyone would like to read it with me. Kind of like the coolest little book club EVER. LOL. Seriously....I am just curious. ;o)
I need to get our family pictures done before it snows here. Any ideas?
Guess I should go. I have a huge "to do" list today and I WILL get at least half of it done. HAHAHehehehehe. I crack myself up.
Hugs and happies.
Sorry about the changes going on with the blog. Just haven't found anything that felt like MICHELLE. Although I am thinking this latest change feels good.
Worked the weekend. It wasn't too bad just long. I got the kiddos up and off to school this morning and went back to sleep. Lazy...I totally know but it seems my body needed it. I have just accepted that fact that my bodies natural circadian rhythm is a night time cycle. I am not a morning person, have not ever been able to 'become' a morning person and late afternoon and night is when I can start rockin' it. There is nothing wrong with that. Night people stand up and say "HECK YEAH!". ;0)
Sent out an email today to a person that hurt me pretty bad with accusations, their insecurities, and stipulations on our friendship. I emailed because I realized that I had taken the hurt and held onto it and allowed it to become bitterness. I don't need no stinkin' bitterness in my life. I have enough crap without hanging on to something like that. So, for me, in order to let go...I said that words that I needed to say and moved on. How much better and free I feel. Advise to you all......LET GO when you need to by just saying the words. We hold onto so much baggage and allow it to weigh us down....maybe I am projecting the 'we'. Maybe it is just me. BUT if it is you.....LET GO. It feels good.
Most anyone that knows anything about me knows that I am a reader. I sometimes get offended when someone says "I don't know when you find the time to read" as if I do nothing but read and that their life is just too busy to bother with reading. While I know that there are some that don't mean anything by it other than I read alot and where the heck do I find the is like anything in your life. If it is important enough to you, then you some how make the time for it. I read on commercials, while waiting in the car picking up the kiddos from school activities, read waiting while waiting for most appointments, the light to turn green (kidding!), I read before bed with my little maglite flashlight as to not bother Shawn....So I read. Right? I like to read. Where am I going with this? I am wanting to know if there are other readers out there. I am going to be starting a book (have already sneaked into it a bit) called Flow The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (have no freakin' idea how to say it) and I want to know if anyone would like to read it with me. Kind of like the coolest little book club EVER. LOL. Seriously....I am just curious. ;o)
I need to get our family pictures done before it snows here. Any ideas?
Guess I should go. I have a huge "to do" list today and I WILL get at least half of it done. HAHAHehehehehe. I crack myself up.
Hugs and happies.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Coughing and Hacking and Snuffling
Yep. Total good times here at the Moore household.
I think we all have a version of it.
My particular 'bug' seems to linger....freakin' forever!!!
I am still hacking away.
Kept Shawn up last night and that man can literally sleep while walking, driving, through a you know it must have been bad.
So a bit of a long rambling blog here to catch up.
First, I have to let those that participated or just went along that we are letting the Why Not? blog go. It is a great idea and a uber cool concept, we just don't have the time to put into it. Heck, I have barely made time for taking pictures as of late. Sometimes it just seems like a hassle. So, I let it go. Big huge hugs and thank yous to those that posted pictures. It was so cool to see what everyone came up with.
Have to mention a pet peeve of mine at the college I am attending. I get there, look in the first lot for a parking spot - nothing, so I move to the second lot - nothing, then park in the third lot (right next to Canada) and walk back to the school, only to walk right by three available spots in the first lot. Go figure. LOL! I don't mine the walking but when it is raining or I am running late, or the bitter cold wind is blowing....I just want to get inside, not hike a 10 mile trek. ;o)
We had parent teacher conferences last week. All is well. Mason's teachers only complaint was that she "wished he could just enjoy being a third grader"....SO DO I. He seems to be going through a phase. I think that it is coming to an end (or maybe it is my wishful thinking) but we are working on techniques that seem to be working.
And speaking of parenting (don't know if I was really speaking of parenting but it sounding like a good transition) found something in a book that I am finishing called Girls Will Be Girls (Raising Confident and Courageous Daughters) by JoAnn Deak, PhD that completely turned on a light of understanding for me. The book was discussing the time when girls (I think teen works here too) begin to let go of thier 'adult anchors' for independence yet this age is such an incredibly hard time to do this so "they enter the cocoon of cliques. Surounding oneself with those who look alike, talk alike and act alike makes the world feel safer and allows this movement away from the influence of significant adults to be more comfortable." This whole entire school year I have been on Bai to be different...that she doesn't have to dress like everyone else, that it is OK to have your own opinion.....and the whole time, she was needing the cocoon of cliques as a stage of growing. An AHA moment for me.
Alright, Shawn is home and the beast is hungry so I need to get some dinner started.
Hugs and loves.
I think we all have a version of it.
My particular 'bug' seems to linger....freakin' forever!!!
I am still hacking away.
Kept Shawn up last night and that man can literally sleep while walking, driving, through a you know it must have been bad.
So a bit of a long rambling blog here to catch up.
First, I have to let those that participated or just went along that we are letting the Why Not? blog go. It is a great idea and a uber cool concept, we just don't have the time to put into it. Heck, I have barely made time for taking pictures as of late. Sometimes it just seems like a hassle. So, I let it go. Big huge hugs and thank yous to those that posted pictures. It was so cool to see what everyone came up with.
Have to mention a pet peeve of mine at the college I am attending. I get there, look in the first lot for a parking spot - nothing, so I move to the second lot - nothing, then park in the third lot (right next to Canada) and walk back to the school, only to walk right by three available spots in the first lot. Go figure. LOL! I don't mine the walking but when it is raining or I am running late, or the bitter cold wind is blowing....I just want to get inside, not hike a 10 mile trek. ;o)
We had parent teacher conferences last week. All is well. Mason's teachers only complaint was that she "wished he could just enjoy being a third grader"....SO DO I. He seems to be going through a phase. I think that it is coming to an end (or maybe it is my wishful thinking) but we are working on techniques that seem to be working.
And speaking of parenting (don't know if I was really speaking of parenting but it sounding like a good transition) found something in a book that I am finishing called Girls Will Be Girls (Raising Confident and Courageous Daughters) by JoAnn Deak, PhD that completely turned on a light of understanding for me. The book was discussing the time when girls (I think teen works here too) begin to let go of thier 'adult anchors' for independence yet this age is such an incredibly hard time to do this so "they enter the cocoon of cliques. Surounding oneself with those who look alike, talk alike and act alike makes the world feel safer and allows this movement away from the influence of significant adults to be more comfortable." This whole entire school year I have been on Bai to be different...that she doesn't have to dress like everyone else, that it is OK to have your own opinion.....and the whole time, she was needing the cocoon of cliques as a stage of growing. An AHA moment for me.
Alright, Shawn is home and the beast is hungry so I need to get some dinner started.
Hugs and loves.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Yep, sick. Not sick - bad, just sick-blah.
And just not feeling like bloggin' but really wanting to.
But I do have a list of stuff to share.
So I will catch up this weekend.
Hope everyone else is NOT sick.
And just not feeling like bloggin' but really wanting to.
But I do have a list of stuff to share.
So I will catch up this weekend.
Hope everyone else is NOT sick.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Sharing some stuff.
Happy Friday!!!
Another week in 2007 - GONE!
Seriously, where does the time go?
Here is another picture of the different hair style. I was trying to get some pictures of the back but they aren't turning out. Still adjusting to life without 200 billion pounds of hair. It is kind of funny to see how curly the back gets without all of the weight of long hair.
Introducing the RED NINJA...Aka, Mason.
The sword was the the best part of the costume for him. I am not sure if it is the boy thing or if it is just Mason...but my son has a thing for weapons (of any sort).From the time he was making guns out of his Lego's at three he has always liked the weapons.
Introducing BUMBLE BEE...Aka Booda.
I know, kind of cruel, kind of funny, kind of strange. Let me tell you though I kept laughing, Shawn was laughing....Mason was tired of getting shown up by the bumble bee dog. People would open the door for Mason, he would say "trick or treat", and they would say something about his neat ninja costume and then they would get a glance at Booda behind him and squeal....OMG, look at the dog. It was comical. We made a stop to drop the dog off at home to finish the night with the red ninja getting all of the attention. ;o)
Bai went over to a friends house to pass out candy and play guitar hero. {{{sigh}}} First year she didn't go with us. Hate that. I am reminded again that she is growing up and away.
In other news....
Last weekend I picked up an old Polaroid camera from 1974 for 2 bucks at a flea market. Totally made me happy and I am not sure why because I have very little space in my home and I am working really hard on letting things go and not be such a pack rat. But seeing that old camera just fascinated me. 1974 was the year I was born and it is neat to think that this camera was brand new then and capturing moments in a families life. Just kind of neat.
Think that I caught Mason's bug. Last night I started getting a sore throat and this morning, in my full on 'drama' DNA I would have sworn that I swallowed razors! Thankfully it is better after a half a pot of coffee.
Currently listening to "The Secret"(went to Family Video and bought a used DVD of it dirt cheap)....really love the concept of this book. I am trying very hard to apply myself to the ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE. There is truth in it and I believe that the mind is so very powerful. If anyone else has read this book, tell me what you think.
I think that I am going to go make some more coffee and make a detour into my creative space. I need to work on something because I am not sure if many know this I am a DTASS and might be given assignments at a moments notice! Gotta be on my creative toes. LOL!
Hope you have a fabulous weekend.
Hugs and happies.
Another week in 2007 - GONE!
Seriously, where does the time go?
Here is another picture of the different hair style. I was trying to get some pictures of the back but they aren't turning out. Still adjusting to life without 200 billion pounds of hair. It is kind of funny to see how curly the back gets without all of the weight of long hair.

In other news....
Last weekend I picked up an old Polaroid camera from 1974 for 2 bucks at a flea market. Totally made me happy and I am not sure why because I have very little space in my home and I am working really hard on letting things go and not be such a pack rat. But seeing that old camera just fascinated me. 1974 was the year I was born and it is neat to think that this camera was brand new then and capturing moments in a families life. Just kind of neat.
Think that I caught Mason's bug. Last night I started getting a sore throat and this morning, in my full on 'drama' DNA I would have sworn that I swallowed razors! Thankfully it is better after a half a pot of coffee.
Currently listening to "The Secret"(went to Family Video and bought a used DVD of it dirt cheap)....really love the concept of this book. I am trying very hard to apply myself to the ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE. There is truth in it and I believe that the mind is so very powerful. If anyone else has read this book, tell me what you think.
I think that I am going to go make some more coffee and make a detour into my creative space. I need to work on something because I am not sure if many know this I am a DTASS and might be given assignments at a moments notice! Gotta be on my creative toes. LOL!
Hope you have a fabulous weekend.
Hugs and happies.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I Have...
I have the cutest Halloween pictures to share with you because even though I am not a 'Halloween girl', I do like seeing the costumes. My goal is to get them uploaded and posted by tomorrow.
I have a messy house. Yep, the draw back to enjoying a day of play, relaxation and laziness. Must say that it doesn't make me to happy to know that no one in out home knows how to pick up after themselves.
I have completed my math test this morning. Don't think that I did too bad on it, but to be honest I am really feeling a total burn out of the 'importance' of these kind of classes and am finding it hard apply myself like I probably should be. Ya know though....I am working on the 'letting go' of things that aren't really important in the big scheme of living a happy life. This just might be one of those things. ;0)
I have decided that I don't so much like my hair short. It isn't that I dislike the haircut or is just that I like having long hair.
I have three pages done in my art journal that totally make me happy! It was so much fun to create outside of the box without reservations. I will have to post some of the fun to share with you.
I have the weekend off with NO PLANS. Kind of eerie, like I am missing something, or have forgotten to write something down in my calendar.
I have decided that I am going to re-organize my acrylic stamps. Can't seem to find a system that works well in my space for them. I know that I am not using them as much as I want to because of it. In fact there have been a few times in which I have finished a project after about a billion hours and realized that one of my Autumn Leaves stamps would have been perfect and was actually what I was wanting....but didn't want to drag out the big ol' gangly binder thing-a-ma-jig that I am storing my stamps in.
It appears that I am just rambling on now.
So, I should probably go find something constructive to do.
Hope you all have a fabulous day.
I have a messy house. Yep, the draw back to enjoying a day of play, relaxation and laziness. Must say that it doesn't make me to happy to know that no one in out home knows how to pick up after themselves.
I have completed my math test this morning. Don't think that I did too bad on it, but to be honest I am really feeling a total burn out of the 'importance' of these kind of classes and am finding it hard apply myself like I probably should be. Ya know though....I am working on the 'letting go' of things that aren't really important in the big scheme of living a happy life. This just might be one of those things. ;0)
I have decided that I don't so much like my hair short. It isn't that I dislike the haircut or is just that I like having long hair.
I have three pages done in my art journal that totally make me happy! It was so much fun to create outside of the box without reservations. I will have to post some of the fun to share with you.
I have the weekend off with NO PLANS. Kind of eerie, like I am missing something, or have forgotten to write something down in my calendar.
I have decided that I am going to re-organize my acrylic stamps. Can't seem to find a system that works well in my space for them. I know that I am not using them as much as I want to because of it. In fact there have been a few times in which I have finished a project after about a billion hours and realized that one of my Autumn Leaves stamps would have been perfect and was actually what I was wanting....but didn't want to drag out the big ol' gangly binder thing-a-ma-jig that I am storing my stamps in.
It appears that I am just rambling on now.
So, I should probably go find something constructive to do.
Hope you all have a fabulous day.
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