Not sure why.
So here is a picture from about a month and a half ago of Shawn and I.
Did I mention that I love that man?
Of course I did...a time or two ;O)
But the reason I posted this one is to point out my hair issues.
Donna - how can I make that bulky side smoother?? Is it the cut? Grrrr....I swear if it wasn't for my weight and my hair I would have very little to complain about. HA!

How 'bout some other goings-on around here.
Yesterday I had an interview for a scholarship. Totally keeping my fingers crossed and a positive attitude!
Along with the interview comes the story of my black dress pants. They, somehow in my closet have turned into tights. No kidding! The last time I wore them they were nice comfy, elegant, hip looking dress pants and now I had to try and find some undergarments that weren't granny panties because dress-pants-turned-tights show off everything. I am thinking I have gained back those 5-10 pounds I keep losing. Sigh......
Right now Booda is eating one of those helicopter tree seed thingys and I refuse to stick my hands in his mouth to get it out! (Learned my lesson with the dead bird...not even kidding!) So, I hope they aren't poisonous. Danged dog. Danged, too cute for reasons unknown, dog!
Tonight I have a softball game. Actually there are two games back to back. Should make for an interesting night.
I received a surprising email today. Can't share too much because of the whole jinxing before things are set but AAAaaaagggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Mason is doing incredible. Just have to share. I have the mom's guilt that I waited too long to try medication but things are so good right now for him I cannot complain too much. He is going over to his friends homes, riding his bike around our little community, loving school and excelling, he is taking risks and learning....I just absolutely am thankful to the whole medical field for all of the research and hard work they have done. There are little traces of OCD but very manageable.
Think I need to get going.
There are a few things I want to get done before the kiddos get home from school.
Hope you all are having the bestest week EVER!
Hugs and loves.
*I love pics.
*It's the dimples- agree- they're cute.
*The hair?? What products are you using? Flat iron? It seems to be at that tween stage. To short to weight it down & lay flat- to long to be a short cut. My best advice is product, product, product.
*Yipee- I will say a prayer for the scholarship.
*OH NOO! You have the incredible shrinking closet, too?!
*Booda is adorable. Warning though the helicopter thingy may considered roughed. Bad- Booda* hee hee Glad he doesn't sleep in my bed.
*2 softball games? Those shrinkin' pants will fit better in no time.
*Don't you just love "happy mail". Even if it in the form of an email. Can't wait to here what you prize is.
*So glad to here May is doing better. No reason for guilt, girl. Just being the awesome mommy you are!!
*Hope you got a lot done & had a productive day!!
You guys are like the sweetest couple ever. I don't why but I always feel the need to post pictures too. I wonder why that is??
So glad to hear Mason is doing well, I hope you get that scholarship!!!!
Grrr, I was really hoping to get ahold of you and I can't seem to find your email anywhere????
good luck with the internship!! (and don't you hate it when that happens with pants??? totally have the same prob!)
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