I scrapped a bit....

I was in sheer happiness and felt totally loved!...
I have to share my used little
jem of a old fashioned type writer. Totally didn't need this but it is super easy to put a little card or piece of paper and type something up for a scrapbook page. Much easier than logging onto the computer, typing something up, trying to line it up, testing the spacing...blah blah.

I have the best children.....they made my Mother's Day totally rock out loud. They made me cry and give me hope that I am doing this so called 'mom' thing OK. And they are totally sweetness because they remembered that I don't like milk in my cereal and that is what I had for breakfast in bed....a hot cup of coffee and Special K without milk. How cool is that?????

Wanted to share my before picture of my studio. Actually I was going to clean and organize it and share that too however I didn't make it to the second photo.....I think I have ADD or something because I started cleaning and organized just enough stuff to be inspired and I started another layout.
LMAO!!! My goal today is to FINISH some of those started layouts, and to clean my 'studio' (kind of getting congested with stuff).

Hoping you get things done that you want to get done and that you take time to remind yourself of three things that totally make you happy!
Hugs and loves.
hey, thanks for the sweet comment. he wants to be a teacher and he's got back troubles so... its hard for him to do manual labor... plus he hates it. so that makes him miserable which in turn makes me miserable too. ill have more time to scrap while he's going to school also... and i like it!! glad you had a great mothers day, you're going to have to scrap that pic with your kiddos.
Hey!!!! Totally thought you were "throwing in the blog towel", So glad to see you didn't. I'm glad you had a Happy Mother's Day.
Thank you sooo much for your comment on my blog, it made me happy to see a comment from you =)
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