Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Can you smell that?

It is the smell of fresh brewed coffee and sunshine!
I mean really, is there anything better than an afternoon to yourself, a fresh cup of coffee and a nice spring breeze blowing through your home filling it with hope.

Actually I must confess that I feel a bit guilty.
This is my second 'lazy' day in a row.
I know that I should be doing something more productive but a friend of mine says it is all about perception....and I perceive catching up on sb.com, my blog, and scrapbooking is productive. HA!
However, I still feel a smidge guilty.

Some scrappin stuff....
I am a starter.
Yep, I can start a layout like no other.
Matching photos to paper, telling the stories, all of the scrapbook elements...
finishing them.
It's true!
I have a stack of layouts that are really good....I just have to finish them!
It is like I have so many ideas and not enough time or I am afraid I will forget them.
BUT...my mission today is to FINISH some of those started layouts.
no sighing here - it is a mission.

Speaking of mission...
I have a big tub of old magazines. Creating Keepsake, Simple Scrapbook, Making Memories, and some others.
I am looking for someone who wants to be inspired.
Also have a big envelope of scraps.
Any takers?

Off to go play...create...and drink coffee.
Hugs and happies.


Christine said...

I AGREE! Somehow the smell of colour just makes everything feel right in the world!

And I am also a starter, so I know exactly what you mean. I have heaps of lo's and albums that need to be finished. But now I enjoy digi scrapping so who knows when I'll get back to them.

Enjoyed perusing your blog!

Have a great weekend!

Christine said...

That should be "the smell of coffee", not colour! I really should stop trying to multitask with my kids around! LOL!