Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Relief that I received my test back from last Thursday and got a 96%.
Relief that I am done with my test this afternoon and think that I did well.
Relief that I was able to get signed up for the classes that I wanted for next semester.
Relief that the heat seems to have moved on.
Relief that I have NOTHING to do tomorrow.

I can feel the tension leaving my shoulders.

I have a few hours before I teach.... so I think that I am going to
1. go for a walk around campus (did I mention that it is a BEAUTIFUL fall day?)
2. get my homework done for Thursday so that I am actually 'ahead', instead of waiting til the last minute and complaining about the stress of it all ;0)
3. read for sheer luxury without interruptions
4. relax
5. smile at the world
6. wish that I had a green archivo so that I could work on some scrappin' stuff....{{{sigh}}}, not that I actually need the archivo but it would make things a bit nicer...in theory anyway...hehehe

Hope you all are having a really good week.
Hugs and happies.


Angie said...

96% Woohoo! Hope that class went good too!!

dr said...

Yippidee skippidee you a smart gorl!!
Hope your day was as wonderful as it seems to have been.

SKeenan76 said...

You go girl - congrats on the awesome grade! I'm sure the other test is just as great! :)

Hope you got to enjoy those nice relaxing hours, too!

Miss ya!!!!

PS - gotta get my pictures uploaded - I'm one challenge behind. Ugh! :(