I am taking a class of Emily Falconbridge online with Big Picture Scrapbooking (love those classes). It is called 'Got Paint?'. One of the projects is just to randomly paint 6x6 pages for an art journal. I am scrapping on some, journaling on some, just painting on some....and then will bind it all together with clips. Total fun-ness without stress of messing up. It is OK to mess up. Sometimes I have trouble with that part of creating.

This is the kitchen just about finished. We are happy with the way it turned out ... especially with the resources that we had. (Not much) We really didn't have that much money and have had to come up with ways to re-use what we already have by giving somethings an updated look.
Have to share my "M" with you along with one of the solutions to some of our storage issues. The M is from the scrap stash painted the same color as the wall and inked to highlight and emphasise the M (Go Moore's!!!).
Notes about scrapping. For those of you that scrap I want to share something that has been bothering me as of late. Lately I have been caught up in the 'scrap world' and have lost the reason why I scrap. Let me state for myself: I scrap to capture memories, to create art. I scrap for therapy, to calm my mind and soul with the creative process. I scrap to record the stories. I do not scrap to show others how good I am, or for the 'perfect' layout. I have realized that I am caught up in the perfect layout. In fact there are three layouts that I have started (because I am REALLY good at starting them) in my studio and I have not been able to finish them because I am caught up in making them 'show worthy' for galleries and such. I am afraid to 'ruin' what I know could be good because I am caught up in this crazy obsessed scrap world. No more.....I am going back to my roots. LOL! In finding balance this year I am choosing to let the scrap-perfection go. I am all about getting back to the REAL reason I scrap. Hopefully anyone else stuck in the same rut can find the same A-HA moment I have.
Notes on Mason. Friday I had reached my breaking point with the medical field. We started this journey a month ago and NOTHING has changed for our son. It has seemed to be a try this, could be this, see this doctor, no not that one because she doesn't have the time, try that one but they cannot give you meds if needed...do we need to treat the anxiety or the OCD?, and through this all I have lost some of my parenting confidence. My main job right now and for the past 14 years has been to raise healthy happy children. The doctors are making me feel like I am doing it wrong....don't go to lunch with him you make it worse, don't show him your anxiety, be firm. OK...none of this has helped. I am desperately seeking help. Please let that phone call come today!
Enough on this computer. It is time for me to go get some of my list done. I am kicking off this week with a positive accomplished day.
Go ME!
Hugs and happies to you!
I totally agree - I need to let go of being afraid of "screwing" up any layouts I do! You create gorgeous works of art and you keep doing that. Make YOU happy!
And Michelle, I wish I knew what to tell you about Mason - I can't imagine how frustrating it is for you and the fam. Keep your head up, though, and stay strong!
Does his school have a licensed school counselor? Go there- they will help find a way for Mase to get help.
If not try to find a licensed counselor for him to see. They work with DR.'s with treatment.
My friend Kristina did this for years. She went to the schools & assessed & referred.
My prayers are with you.
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