Thursday, January 24, 2008

Snow Day...What?

Today the kids are home with a snow day.
Why? I am not really sure because the road aren't bad.
In fact I believe they are the only school district out today around here.
This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have school today.....but I do.
AND it wouldn't be so bad if I could have played hooky....but I couldn't.
Today I had my first exam in soc and I have my first lab for A&P II...both are very difficult to make up.
Oh the fun stuff ;o)

Not too much going on.
Haven't been doing that much scrappin' lately.
Just finishing up a few projects (trying to at least).
Bought a wax sealing kit thing and I have to say that thing is pretty dang cool.
I will try and post some pictures.

Finished reading the book "Wicked" because I had heard so much raving about the musical....let me just say to anyone thinking of reading the book - don't bother. I struggled to get through it, it was confusing and not a very smooth read, AND there weren't even answers to any of the questions alluded to throughout the whole story. Grrrr. I don't even want to go see the musical any more.

Hope you all are surviving the winter.
Hugs and happies.

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