Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ahhh....and so it begins....

It is back to school for Bailey and Mason.
With that comes the stress of Mason's separation anxiety and OCD tendencies.
Such an incredibly hard thing to parent.
What is the right thing to do for him?
What is not good for him?

While dealing with those issues we are actually finishing up some home improvements.
This should take out some of the chaos that has consumed our living area for the past week.

Also of interest...I have lost 4.4 pounds. Now granted, I realize that those pounds are the same ones I have lost and gained for all of last year HOWEVER! I am motivated, eating well, and moving my body. It feels right this time.

Speaking of moving...need to get off the computer and do that ;o)
Hugs and happies.


dr said...

Yipeeeee!! you are off to a good start.
I will be praying for you & Shawn & Mason. Ever find that squezzey ball?

SKeenan76 said...

God bless you...seriously, I don't have kids yet but have ALWAYS wanted them...but sometimes it scares me to death to become a parent.

I do know one thing...Bai and Mason are in AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL hands!!!!!

Good for you on the 4.4 lbs! You go, girl!!!!!