Monday, February 4, 2008

Catching Up List

1. Cannot believe that it has been so long since I blogged! I should be arrested for blog neglect. A sweet friend of mine reminded me that even though I may think my life is boring she enjoys it....HA! So here is some catching up - in list format, of course ;o)

2. A photo to share with you of my "I {Heart} Inked Men" shirt. I wore this to the Kid Rock concert that Shawn and I went to. Yes, I said Kid Rock. It was a concert that Shawn wanted to see and it was in Bloomington (only 25 minutes aweay). A perfect place to wear my new (slightly too tight) T-shirt. The concert wasn't too bad. It got better for me the more I drank .... sorry Shawn, but you know it is true. Some of the people at the concert CRACKED ME UP! There really are some doozies out there.

3. A kiss for My 'inked man'....which is what my shirt should say because it really is only one man not all inked men.
4. Found this lovely picture on the baby cannon. Nice, huh? Mason seems to be taking after his photo loving sister because there were a slew of pictures of Mason doing different poses. But this pretending-to-nose-pick picture made me laugh out loud....literally.
5. Oh and yep....some more pictures on my camera. My photo taken loving daughter. Note to self: remind daughter that if she wants to take so many pictures in the mirror to clean it. Hehehehe.
6. Houston we have an icicle problem. This dangerous group of ice was out our back door. I have been on icicle patrol all weekend. Hopefully this spring we will have a new gutters on the back overhang. (Or the house sold, that would be nice).
7. Must say again (and again and again and again) just how incredibly thankful I am that Mason's medication has been working. We are going into week THREE without any problems before or durning school, no panic attacks, and he has even gone over to play at a friends house a few times with very little difficulty. I am soooooo very thankful.

8. Yesterday the craziest winter thunderstorm came through. I am not kidding there was fierce thunder rumbling, and the brightest lightening I have ever seen. This storm was sooo freaky. I cannot ever remember a thunder storm in the middle of winter. We ended up losing power -ALL NIGHT!- The power went out yesterday bout 4:30P (better there were some p-ed off football fans) and it didn't come back on until around 8:30 this morning. The kids have another day off of school. This makes a four day weekend for them because they had a snow day on Friday due to the snow storm.

9. Last night with no power we made blueberry pancakes and sausage by candle light. You can't really tell by this photo but there was enough light to see what we were doing. And we are very thankful for the gas stove ;o) Played a game of Disney Sorry by candle light after dinner with Mason the winner, which was a good thing because he was talking a bunch of smack. YES, when Shawn plays some how the smack talking of "you're going down" and "oh yeah, you gonna play like that then I am coming after you" begins. Makes me laugh actually. I tried to keep on the down low and go in for the win but it wasn't in the cards for me.
10. Ok, I bet you are tired of reading and I need to go get some things done. Hope all of you have had a fabulous week (last week) and that this coming up week totally ROCKS YOUR WORLD! Not going to proof this post so enjoy my typos....LOL!

Hugs and happies.


dr said...

Didn't notice any typ-O's- but I am also NOT an english teacher.
WOw- you played SORRY & ate blueberry pancakes by candlelight instead of the Super Bowl. Don't worry it was an upset for most. Didn't pay much attention to the commercials either. Actually I think I slept through MOST of the game. hee hee
I haven't blogged in sometime either- hmmm? I'll put it on my "list".
Great concert- such a loving wife.
Glad to hear Mason is doing better- prayers answered!!
Miss ya- I'll catch ya one day!!

Leah said...

Yeah!!! A blog entry!!! First of all I am so glad Mason's medication is working. I love all the new pics, you look really great!

Wish I could have seen the thunderstorm, they are my absolute favourite thing.

Hope to hear from you soon again.