Friday, January 25, 2008

Easy and Not So Easy

This is THE best $4.96 I spent today!
Totally makes me giggle because I am going to use this baby.
When you push this 'easy' button it says in a manly-slightly-sarcastic voice "That was easy!"
And you know what???
It really is.
I spend a good amount of energy making things harder than they should be.
Not any more thanks to this baby.

Although I must point out that no matter how many times I push this easy button....raising a teenage girl is NOT so easy.

Found these lovely pictures on the camera from this morning....along with 10 more of the same.

I am guessing she thinks she looks really good today and wanted to capture it.

She is a cutie.

Dang.....I need Shawn to practice his Mean face for the boys!

Donna, Sweet Donna, I hope you feel better soon. If I lived closer I would bring you some noodle soup. Thinking of you and wishing to to feel better.

One last thing.
During my retail therapy today....I found a winter coat for me that fits! for $8.95! AND a long sleeved T-shirt that says "I {HEART} Inked Men"....totally made me smile and it was only 5 bucks. Not too bad of an afternoon.

One more thing.....Mason is over at a friends this afternoon. Big steps for the little guy. THIS is a good thing.

Hugs and happies to all.



dr said...

Hee hee we have one of those EASY buttons. It is fun but the kids will drive you nutso with it.

Leah said...

I want the easy button!!! Great pics by Bai. Miss you lots!