Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Sickness is In Da House

Mason has been fighting what ever seems to be going around for the past few days but this morning he woke up with a 102 degree temp. Soooo, the poor guy has to stay home today(although he wants to go to school which is so flippin' amazing considering where he was a month and a half ago!). Hopefull with my bleach and lysol I can keep the bad germs away from the other members of this home.

Not much else going on here.

Reading a really great book called Pillars of the Earth. It has me captivated.

Going to go work on some projects for my class next week. Need to wrap up the details ;o)

Hope everyone is doing well.
Hugs and happies.

1 comment:

dr said...

Hope May is feeling better & no one else has gotten it.
Let's see what you're doing for the class!! Share share share!!