Friday, January 18, 2008

Scrap Sharing

I have been 'playing'.
This little mini-album is a combination of inspiration from the "Got Paint?" class and a freedom of working in an art journal.
My cover is made with a the cardboard that came in between plates in a set we had purchased a long time ago.
I put some paint on it and inked some scrap pp and WHA-LAAA...a created flower, perfect for my cover of this random fun art journal-mini-scrapbook.
This is one of the pages (below) with an extra copy of a picture found in my stash of photographs. It is actually an older picture but I LOVE IT. Totally makes me happy. I mixed Texture Magic with some acrylic paint and slathered it on like butter. To make the white show through I just carved into the Texture Magic. Sprinkled throughtout are rub-ons I found at Wally World and a couple of doodling dots & words. Such a fun page to PLAY on. No fears of messing up. No worries...Just plain FUN!
When we were working on painting the kitchen I had a frame from a hundred years ago (because I haven't changed my home decor in forever!!!) and it had some pictures in it that gave me warm fuzzies. I love how photos take you back and make you smile ear to ear. Anyway - I just HAD to use this picture some where, some how. This art journal was perfect for it.
Sharing a photo of my newest love (below). I have used more product this week because I can SEE it and know that I have it! The thing was kind of pricey (although not as bad as it could have been thanks to an awesome friend) and blew my budget....yes, already. BUT I L-O-V-E it. It is the Clip It Up thingy. Everything that I have collected for the past 5-7 years is now out of the baskets and drawer and on this super uber cool carousel. Did I say that I LOVE IT? ;o)
And my last bit of scrap sharing is the art/paint holder thingy(again below) that I got for Christmas. Actually this thing is bigger than I thought it was going to be, but it holds just about ALL of my different mediums....paints, stickles, puffy paints, alcohol inked, some 7 gypsie stamps (I have no home for), chalk, water colors, embossing powder....a ton of stuff. AND the best part is - it was only 20 bucks at Wal-mart. Just a note for anyone interested the shelves are adjustable.
So there you go. Some of the things I have been up to.
Still have some layouts to post...but I am focusing on the 'doing' part.
If I am making the time, I would rather be creating right now.
Thanks for looking through my show and tell.
Now I need to visit you for some inspiration!

Off to the school to watch Mason in a play.
He is totally stoked about being a 'turtle'.
Cracks me up.
Hugs and happies.


Ericka said...

hey there stranger!! funny how I found you again (wierd story!)!! Take a look at my blog and let me know if there is something strangely familiar?? LOL Hope to talk again soon!

Leah said...

Love your art journal. It is very creative. I could never come up with such an original idea!! Great job. Love all your scrapping organization... you would be horrified to see my scrap stuff. (Yes I still use it sometimes) It is just all in tupperware containers and a total disaster. I have such a hard time organizing it well. Got your card by the way. I left you a little message in my last post =)

dr said...

Love the journal!!!!
Your space is looking very user friendly. Wish mine was. hee hee
Let's see pics of that Turtle.
hugs & love

SKeenan76 said...

You are too creative, Michelle! You RAWK!

I'm definitely digging your organization skills...some day I'll be organized...ho hum. ;)


ahuonker said...

Lookin good in the ol' scraproom!! Glad to see that you are finding the inspiration to PLAY...somehow that seems to get lost the clip it up (teeheehee)