Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Spoke Too Soon

Bai is home sick with the flu...the bad pukey-achy-fever flu.
PUUULLLEEEZZZ let this bug stop with her and not be passed around.

Happy anniversary to the love of my life.
I can't believe that he has put up with me for 15 years of marriage (18 total of knowing him...can you flippin' believe that????). ;o)
We will celebrate this weekend.
Have I mentioned that I love my man?

Hugs and health.


dr said...

AWEE- please get her some Tamiflu quickly. I was down for 2-3 days serious when I had it. I didn't get full energy back for a week.
But I have known peeps who did NOT take the Tamiflu & they were down serious for a week or more.
Some Dr.'s will even write a perscription for the whole fam for preventive measures.
My pediatrician would even write 1 script with a double dose for Dave & I so I wouldn't have to pay but 1 co-pay.
Poor baby!

Leah said...

Hope the sickness ends with her.

Happy Anniversary to you guys!