It is rainy and dreary here in central IL. They say there is suposed to be another snow storm on its way ... go figure. High winds, 3-7 inches of snow, ice, the good stuff. BLECK! I am really quite tired of winter however I feel bad for complaining because I choose to live in this icky-winter place
On this Sunday we are all cuddled up in our lounging clothes enjoying a day relaxing and a couple of us are bored. Not me, I am getting quite a few things is more like Shawn and Mason going a little stir crazy. Maybe they will find something to do here SOON!
Sharing some of my life in pictures and words:

My Valentine's gift from Shawn. A sweet card and a cactus. Yes, LOL! a catcus. He knows me OH-SO Well because I usually end up killing off any kind of plant with my non-green thumb (and feeling really bummed about it), and I think that roses are sooo completely over rated. Don't get me wrong they are beautiful and smell fabulous but they just don't make my heart smile. This cactus however, made me grin ear to flippin' ear!

I am not sure how I am getting anything done creatively. By looking at my 'studio', there is only total chaos!

Complete chaos! After I am done blogging, my goal is to spend time sorting, organizing, and finding breathing room in my space. Bet some of you are gasping in horror at this chaos. Am I right?

Like sunlight in a storm there is beauty in my chaos. This lovely girl is my butterfly punch. I have used this beauty many times this week. The sweet butterfly makes me happy....and she only cost me FIVE BUCKS! Gotta love that. AND you know what else is cool?? I can leave this punch on my desk and it
LOOKS good because it stands upright with the butterfly showing and is a nice neutral color (when, of course, my 'studio' is organized and clean ;o).

A glimpse at the technique tag book the students will be making the first night of the class I am teaching. It is a simple class covering products and techniques. I am not quite done with this so right now I am holding the tags with a binder ring.

For our second night of class we are going to be putting together a few layouts. One of the layouts we will be doing from another layout. We will be learning the art of scraplifting. GASP!!! Yes, I said it....I will be coving scraplifting. I truly believe that most ideas are lifted or inpired by something in one way or another and scraplifting is the PERFECT way to develop techniques, confidence, and style. It is a way to find out what works for you and what doesn't. There are those who believe
their idea should be set in gold and never used and they become all worked up at someone 'copying' their ideas...I could never understand that. If scrapbooking was only about originality then there wouldn't be the demand there is for all of the idea books and magazines and classes and the list goes on. Uh-OH, I seemed to have gone on a little tangent. Hehehe sorry about that ;o) Anyhoo my layout is inspired by a layout of Courney Kelly published
in Scrapbook Trends.I cannot get enough of this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is a long one - 900 and some pages, but it is worth all of the loss of sleep, un-done house work, and unfinished projects calling my name. If you like midevil stories of good and evil, love and hate, if you wonder what it was like waaaaaaaaaaay back in a barbaric world, if you want to be reminded of how good you have it and how far the human race has come....then read this book.
Thanks for taking the time to glance into my world. I love the connection.
Hugs and happies.
Just a quick note to say HI and let you know I was thinking of you! The weather out here has been up and down, too. Today it has been close to 60 BUT almost a monsoon! ugh...
Anyway, love all the pics you posted!!!!!!! :D
Take care,
GIRL!!! I don't care if your scrapping space is "total chaos" I LOVE it. I need a little space like that for myself, to be creative, messy, whatever!! I might just have to work on that. Won't my dh be pleased? I'm interested in that book you are reading but wonder if I can find it here in this speck that I live. LOL.
Thinking of you and hope your having a fabulous weekend.
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