Thursday, July 26, 2012


It's easy to get caught up in the 'everything bad is happening to me I should just curl up in bed' thought process. Or at least it is easy for me. I know I've mentioned a time or 10 that I'm naturally a negative person so I really have to work at optimism (like its my 2nd job!).

Sometimes I just need to make a list (snort laugh) of all the things I'm thankful for today....
1. Shawn having a good job and an able body to work in a factory so he can support his fam.
2. Mason for putting in more volunteer hours today than his parents did.
3. Shawn again, for working all day then volunteer to help some family friends after a fire, then driving into Bloomington to help Bai with car problems.
4. A niece who wants to come spend the night at my house.
5. Tara going to Zumba with me AND making a HL run for me.
6. Networking and connecting on FB, in groups and in clubs.
7. Knowing and learning from such kind friends.
8. An able body... flab and all
9. The holes in tomorrows schedule are filled... Whew, missed that bullet because there were a LOT!

What are you thankful for?

PS These peeps rock my world!


Anonymous said...

Love Lists! Life without lists is chaos! LOL!

T said...

July was a long time ago. You should write a new post, yo!