Friday, July 13, 2012

A Big Girls A-Ha Moment

It was seeing a picture of myself in which I first thought.... That CANNOT be how I look! Then realizing I really wouldn't know because I had been hiding from the camera. I did not feel confident, happy, or healthy. Did I have excuses as to why I ballooned? You bet! Did I have excuses to why I couldn't exercise? Absolutely! Did I lose weight and gain it back... again? Sigh, yes.

So this is what I did:
1. I changed my mindset.
2. Tried to get a bunch of girlies to encourage each other through the weight loss/healthy lifestyle change. There is power in numbers, right?
3. Began counting calories in and calories out. (I use the free MyFitnessPal app)
4. I made it a point to exercise above my normal living. Yes, I burn calories walking while on my feet at work and could add that into MFP, but that is what I had been doing and is my normal. To burn this fat I needed/need more. Also, I signed up for things to keep myself in the game... Survivor at HMC, The Warrior Dash, and I have my eye on a 5K.
5. I've tried to stop with the excuses. We all have busy lives, kiddos, jobs, hobbies... I know it's hot/cold out, something good is on TV, food tastes good, or I can start the diet next week. Don't get me wrong, I still try to give myself excuses but am more aware of why i am trying to justify what I am doing that needs an excuse. A buddy who is committed to the same goals can be a life saver!

So my icky pic and my Warrior pic. Which do you like?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look awesome!!! Way to go!