Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Cup of Coffee and A Random List

1. I have no pictures to post. In fact I really have not taken any pictures. I think it is because of the winter. It seems I am just not a winter person. Don't like to go out in it, don't like to be cold, miss the colors of spring, summer, and fall....white...bleck! muddy white...bleck! grey...bleck! So no pictures with the blog today.

2. There are moments throughout the day when I am so disappointed in myself, as a person as a mom, as a wife. For example at night when I am in bed I think about exercise and how much weight I am putting on and how all I really need to do is manage what I eat and exercise. Why am I letting myself get this way? Or when I am getting all of us ready and out the door and off to school I notice Mason's chapped lips (again, he is such a lip-licker!) and wonder why I can catch that before we leave so that I can have him put on the chapstick he hates. Even just a certain moments when I look around the house and see how much has gone undone ... I am disappointed. For some reason I can never find the right balance. I find enough for happiness but there are just those moments throughout the day.....

3. I am loving Facebook! Leah was totally right. It has been a great way to connect and nice and easy. Donna I totally wish you would do Facebook......hint hint hint.

4. As of right now, I have bills to pay, a late birthday present to get in the mail, happies to send to some girlies, a scrapbook to finish, 2 scarves to finish, dishes, laundry, homework (the usual), and I don't want to do any of it! I would rather be here blogging about what I need to do than doing......but I know I NEED to do it so then I stress. Sigh...such a vicious circle I create. So guess what I will be doing when I am done? LOL!

5. Bailey texted me with "i got my permitttt :D". Please say a prayer for us.........

6. I am desperately jonesin' for a diet vanilla pepsi.

Gotta interrupt this ringing off the hook and my time is up, have to go pick Mason up from school.
Hugs and happies.


dr said...

Sounds to me like someone needs to get some hilites in their hair, get in the sunbed or get a spray on tan, a pedicure & place a giant bouquet of spring flowers in the house. It's grey outside don't let it be that way inside.

How's that pity party? Having any fun? Me neither. Nobody wants to come to my pity party either. boo whooo 8)

OK- I am in the same same same boat as far as the eating, exercise thing. So I think we need to start something together. Motivate each other.

My May has chapped lips too & we do all we can do & that's all we can do. When they start to bleed or hurt then they'll take the intiative themselves. My May did. He owns 4 different lip stuff & won't use them.

Facebook- I'll think about it.

I suggest you pay some bills, only the ones that matter- electric, phone, cable. The rest can wait. the b-day present is already late so don't stress on that one & mail the happies when you get there.
Unless you're outta clean undies or uniforms blow off the laundry & order a pizza. Throw the dirty clothes back in the hamper & grab a book. I mean really the world will not come to an end & no one will die if you take a break.

I'll stay on the look out for a diet vanilla pepsi for ya. I do reccomend trying a Salted Carmel Signature hot cocoa w/ a shot or 2 of espresso from Starbucks. OH MY- now that'll make you smile.

Turn the ringer off on the phone but don't leave Mason at school.

Leah said...

I absolutely agree with 4. It's a balancing act!

So glad you joined facebook.

I love your posts even without photos :)