Thursday, February 5, 2009


No pictures.
Sorry ;O(
But I do have some questions...
like WHY does a dog have to sniff for the 'perfect' spot to poo??? I mean REALLY, it is below zero, just poo already!
and WHY is it easy for everyone in my family to just walk past the pile of laundry or dishes or dust bunnies and NOT do anything about them?
or WHY do we spend so much money on insurance for them to come up with ways to mess with you or some loop hole or 10?
even WHY does winter have to be soooo long? Aren't there enough people moving south this time of year to pull the earth more upright??
and lastly WHY is the sky blue?

Life is moving along here.
It is supposed to warm up this weekend and I have a set goal to take pictures!!! (among other things)
Hope all is well with you.
Hugs and happies.


Leah said...

Now I'm going to lie in bed all night and wonder why the sky is blue.

I'm always wondering why the family seems oblivous to dust bunnies and dishes. It's one affliction I want to catch!

Take care sweetie!

dr said...

You sniff around to find the warmst spot too if your @sshole had to hit ground to 'poo. 8)

Because they know you'll take care of all the dirty, icky, smelly, dusty crap eventually.

Insurance? I can't answer that one or this would be a discertation not a comment.

Actually- Winter really isn't any longer & the stupid ground hog always sees his shadow. 6 more weeks of winter? DUH!! It is 6 weeks til the 1st day of spring. Silly ground hog.

Roses are red
the sky is blue
God made it that way
For questions from you.

My question for God is what is the point in a mosquito? I found out today they help cross pollinate crops.

SKeenan76 said...

I really sould post more pictures like you. I love your goal, too - let's get out there and snap away (like the 'warmth' is around us!).

HA, I often wonder about the dishes and laundry...but good question about the people moving south! haha!!
