Thursday, December 17, 2009

Random List

  1. A Moore jump photo. This is how we are most days... together, full of life, and happy. I am totally going to have to do a page with the jump photos through the years.
  2. I am currently reading Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. It is a book I have had for quite a while because I heard it was really good but never quite got around to reading it. I have been missing out! Also on my reading list is the Harry Potter series. Is that strange? I am reading them with Mason. That is my reasoning but I really just want to see what happens to Mr. Harry Potter.
  3. Will be making THE dentist appointment tomorrow and already anxiety tightens my chest. I wonder why this happens? Why I wait so long, even when I know it isn't good?? Sigh.......
  4. Work the weekend. Friday. Saturday. Sunday. Looking forward to the paycheck but not the time away from the family.
  5.  Am so totally bummed that I will be missing the season finale of Survivior because I am covering someones shift for them. Dangit! Just hoping Russel gets the BIG BOOT!!!
  6. My creative soul has been used again..... feels so good. When I finish this whole nursing thing I will totally be teaching artsy/scrapbooking stuff again. There is just something about art (in ANY form) that does a spirit good.
Speaking of creative spirit..... I am off to do something artsy!
Hugs and happies.

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