A better day for me because A.) I to go back to sleep after kiddos went to school B.) I had no school C.) there is nothing I HAVE to do today except work tonight 4-9 D.) I get to blog and share with you my wackiness and obviously if you are here....reading, you {heart}me or I just make you smile....OR you stalk me and wanna know my business. All of which are perfectly fine because I lay it out there for you.
So for all of you out there just hanging on, grab the rope, grab some coffee..tea...soda...whatever and relax. It really is true that "you are only as happy as you make up your mind to be"...or something like that. I tend to forget that in the drama of my life. It may sound like BS but it really is true. If you want to be miserable with things then you will, if you choose to let them go and move on then you will....I just have the damnedest time letting go of things. So often you hear my moan and groan, but I am venting most of the time.
So here is my Wacky Wandom (Random with a W...duh) Wednesday Wlog..you got the blog part right? ;O) In list form....my favorite
1. This sweet little girl came home from school yesterday and was squealing, hoping around like a banchee all excited about something. Come to find out she gets to take drivers ed NEXT FLIPPIN' SEMESTER!!!! Pause here. Had to take a deep breath after I typed that. That means my. baby. girl. will. be. driving. in. 1 1/2 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deep breath. We'll just let that soak in for a while. LMOA!

3. Must say I loved, LOVED, L-O-V-E-D the movie Wal-E! Totally made me giggle, loved the story of love, recycling, becoming an inactive chubby society with our laziness.....sigh...a really good movie.
4. I am so thankful for many, many things. but I am really REALLY thankful for the gas prices coming down. I filled my car for less that $25 and it lasted all week. Our budget totally needs that...especially before the holidays!
5. Speaking of budgets....I can't seem to follow one. LOL! I bought an Emily Falconbridge camera strap. Couldn't help myself....well I could but chose not to. It's so beautiful and the ribbon is from her trip to Thialand....sigh....cannot wait. Won't share any more, I'll post a picture when it comes in.
6. For anyone of the people in my small world who may misunderstand my complaining about nursing school, I just want to clear up a couple of things. First I CHOSE to go to through Heartland's program for a number of reason. And while it might not be the best program and it might not be picture-perfectly flow together----I will make the most of it, I will go that extra bit needed to become the kick-ace nurse that I know I will be! I will become stronger with this journey of not being hand-held and having to self-teach more....even when I bitch about it. So thank you to those whom I lean on when the pressure gets tough and for those understanding my venting.
7. 3Q's and a T (3 Questions and a truth) and you all better answer in the comment section! LOL! 1. What is your favorite animal? 2. What are you thankful for? 3. Who is the best kind of listener for you...one who just listens, or one who listens and adds opinions? TRUTH: I totally get freaked out walking up my stairs at night in the dark and end up sprinting up the last half...always picture someone coming up behind me in the dark. Weird huh? Think I watch too many scary movies!!! LOL!
Alright...enough of me....let's hear from you.
I'm off to stalk some blogs.
Hugs and happies.
You crack me up! I don't THINK I'm the stalker type...so I just *heart* you. :D
1. What is your favorite animal? Penguins (and ladybugs!)
2. What are you thankful for? I am so thankful for my family and friends. Now that I live on the East Coast AND now that I'm older I have such an appreciation for them all and love them unconditionally; thankful for Shawn and his family; thankful for my JOB; thankful for my health; thankful for the INTERNET! :)
3. One who just listens - my best listener!
TRUTH: OMG, most of the time when I go up OUR stairs I picture myself falling down and when Shawn isn't home I think how long would I be lying there before he got home!? AHHHH!
I give you kudos for all that you do, Michelle...having a family, job and school...you can vent ALL you want!!!!!!
Happy Turkey Day!!!!!!!!!
I love your blog.
I can't imagine my kids driving! thank god, I have 6 more years before that happens.
I love your blog.
1. Favourite animal?
Cats. Boring but I'm really missing not having one around to cuddle with.
2. Best Listener with opinions!
3. Truth. This goes along with number 2. Truth is I love a listener and opinion friend because I'm totally insecure in my decision making processes. I'm always second guessing myself about EVERYTHING!
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