1. Not sure what exactly it is about Wednesdays but it seems to have become my bloggin day. Although I
almost made it 3 posts in a row last week...almost but not quite!
2. Bought a new bag for $4 that totally made me happy. It might seem strange to some that I can find happiness in a Dollar General bag...but I do! The colors scream MICHELLE!!! And ummm, hello?
3. Another 'sleeping' picture. For some reason when I loaded a couple of these pictures they rotated...and I even took the flippin' time to make sure they were rotated BEFORE I uploaded. You know the crazy stuff I do sometimes....LOL! Anyhooo. My sweet baby girl who is not so much of a girl any more but is still sweet - until she sees I've posted this picture of her....LOL (again, I seriously laughed out loud!) but she doesn't take the time to read my blog so I am safe! Also note the cell phone....always, always with her. In her world the cell phone is a life line to her friends. Ahhhhh.... the youth today.

4. GO CUBS GO!!!! I have class until 12:30 on Thursday and I am hoping beyond hope they win tonight and I will get to watch them win tomorrow and clench the division. How cool would that be.....I'll tell you....totally flippin' coolness!!!!! I am telling you, this is the year....IT HAS TO BE!
5. I have been able to do some creating. Here is the new In Color pack from Stampin' UP. I made a mini album for a door prize at the party I had last Friday. The picture really doesn't do those colors justice, they are yummy!
6. Here is another project quickly put together for my little Stampin' Up party. A Random Memories album. I actually ran out of the sample papers and didn't get this finished but really it only took me 45minutes...and that was thinking about how I wanted the album to be and changing some ideas.
7. Just to continue my show and tell....her is one of the pages. The whole album is full of random pictures I pulled that reminded me of a little snippet or memory. My whole family LOVES this album and keep looking at it. Funny how memories can make you happy.
8. My last show and tell and I might have already posted this but I had to post it because it made me smile (again) when I came across it in my layout file. Although this is another picture that rotated on its own...stupid computer stuff! I had this laying out on my desk and Shawn said he liked it but wasn't sure of the crown...and Mason said "dad, I like your tierra" which made us all laugh because he was serious. Shawn said..."It's not a tierra! It's a crown" LOL!

9. School is moving along in a comfortable pattern. There are things that we have to do in which I call "hoops" because it doesn't really make a bit of difference if you do them or not, and do not really learn anything from them, but it is a hoop you have to go through to get to where I want to be.
10. I am running out of time for this blog.....but still have my blog list! LOL! I'll try to post more tomorrow. Hope you all are having a sunshiny day.
Loves and hugs.
You better hope dd doesn't see this post. LOL!!
I've always wanted to do a mini album but now I am lazy. It is way too much work to drag out supplies =)
1*You hump-day post help me through my week. Makes me happy to see alittle of your world.
2*I WANT THAT $4 BAG!!! It rocks!!
3*OOOHH- Bai gonna be on the back side of happy if she sees this.
4* GO CUbbies GO
Cause 'M' luvs you so
5* Pretty colors!!
6* Precious album
7* 'tiara' LoL, bustin' a gut, that is sooo funny.
OMG, I'm soooo wishing I still lived in Chicago right now...
I'll be at a crop tonight AND tomorrow so if they clinch I will totally freak out in front of all these ladies! LOL!
You are too talented...
Miss ya!
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