Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Because It Is Wednesday
Need to remind myself to NOT SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF....
and really,
everything is small stuff.
(except my ass!!)
Loves and hugs.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Throwing a Curve Ball...
Throwing a curve ball and I am actually blogging on TUESDAY!
I know, I am just crazy like that ;o)
My list for today...well some of it actually.
1. I haven't uploaded any pictures lately so I went searching for some that made me smile in an old Aug/Sept file. Because YOU know I can hardly blog without pictures!! LOL! The pictures on today's post are all from Aug/Sept 2004. I am a bit shocked at how freaking fast time goes. I mean, I know it does but REALLY DOES!
3. Met Bai's new boyfriend on Sunday. He seems to be a very nice well mannered boy. What happened to the other bf you might ask.....well, I really don't want to say I told you so, but I TOTALLY said that it wouldn't last. You see he was a grade behind her and it just wasn't in the cards for a freshman to have an 8th grader as a boyfriend. GASP! Which is just fine. I want Bai to know what she does and doesn't want in a companion.
4. The family is doing well. We are all kind of tired because it is just a crazy time for us. Shawn is having some back issues, thinking it might be a disc, hoping it isn't. I am so thankful his tumor was a benign one that I can move on to fixing his back! Poor guy just feels like he is falling about and well....he kind of is. Need to get HIM healthier! Have I ever mentioned that I TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY LOVE THAT MAN? Maybe? LOL!
5. Speaking of getting healthier, I started back to weight watchers...again. Yes, I know you have heard it before but damn....something has got to work! Weight watchers worked for me before, I just have to commit to moving my ace and not eating like I am a hog. Portion control and activity (not just scrapbooking!) for longer than 4 weeks. My mind is set this time...again!, seriously. I even passed up chocolate fudge covered brownies at our morning clinical meeting! I. Am. Serious.
6. Mason made the safety patrol at school. He has Mondays and yesterday morning he helped the little kids off of the bus in the morning and directed parent pick up traffic in the afternoon. He loved it! His last soccer game is this Saturday. Not sure what is next on his little agenda.
7. I have a 'follower' listed on my blog. Made me giggle! Which one of you pretties is my follower?
Think I need to go. There is homework screaming my name...good times.
Hugs and happies.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Wednesday Is My Rock Day
2. Bought a new bag for $4 that totally made me happy. It might seem strange to some that I can find happiness in a Dollar General bag...but I do! The colors scream MICHELLE!!! And ummm, hello? $4!!!!!

4. GO CUBS GO!!!! I have class until 12:30 on Thursday and I am hoping beyond hope they win tonight and I will get to watch them win tomorrow and clench the division. How cool would that be.....I'll tell you....totally flippin' coolness!!!!! I am telling you, this is the year....IT HAS TO BE!
5. I have been able to do some creating. Here is the new In Color pack from Stampin' UP. I made a mini album for a door prize at the party I had last Friday. The picture really doesn't do those colors justice, they are yummy!

9. School is moving along in a comfortable pattern. There are things that we have to do in which I call "hoops" because it doesn't really make a bit of difference if you do them or not, and do not really learn anything from them, but it is a hoop you have to go through to get to where I want to be.
10. I am running out of time for this blog.....but still have my blog list! LOL! I'll try to post more tomorrow. Hope you all are having a sunshiny day.
Loves and hugs.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
My first day of clinicals.
Did not go bad except the little lady who threw her teeth at me.
Felt like a goober in the white nursing student uniform.
Not to mention I turn into Mason and become a magnet as soon as I put on anything white.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I Do Believe It's Another Happy Happy Hump Day!
Feels like fall is on its way with crisp cool mornings, warm afternoons, chilly evenings, and plenty of sunshine!
Everyone always says Bai looks "just like me", which of course she hates...but I have always thought she looks like her daddy. Maybe it is just that their personalities are so much alike. What do you think? Oh and Shawn is growing out the goatee (is that how you spell it???). Not sure if we are liking it. Bai thinks he should cut it back, he says it is just in the 'growing out' stage, and I am waiting to see. The grey hair makes me giggle because it reminds me we are getting old even though we act like were 20-something (or maybe like 8th graders) most of the time!

My sweet little sleeping baby boy. (When did he grow up?) In my head I have a whole scrapbook put together of the people I love sleeping. I love capturing my sleeping family. I always have from the time Shawn and I were dating. Love the sleeping photos!
Gonna go finish chatting with the BEAUTIFUL Nae and work on those projects.
If anyone wants some Stampin Up stuff let me know and I will get an order in for you.
Loves and hugs!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The BIG Catch Up List (in no particular order)
2. I know I have mentioned the number 3 and its special place in our family. So, it totally makes me smile and tear up to see Bai and Mase grab up the 3's in their uniforms. It was especially cool to see them have the same number. Hope they can always play with a 3 on their back.
3. The first day of school has come and went. This is one of the 'first day of school' pictures. They weren't very good or creative this year but I do have them. Bai wasn't into it and Mason was just plain nervous about school. I should go back and compare other first days. Love seeing the changes.
4. Yesterday morning I put on a flip flop and thought there was a wet piece of grass on it from Bai walking the dog the night before in them. It wasn't. I don't even want to share what it REALLY was.... it still kind of grosses me out. But I am going to anyway because a while from this I might look back and laugh. IT WAS A WORM!!! Yes, totally not kidding. A little sliver of a worm I squished with my foot. It must have somehow grabbed a ride on her flip flop the night before and worked its way to the flat part.....God rest its soul....cause my big ol' foot squished it!!!! Yes, still totally gross. I disinfected my foot and flip flop but STILL TOTALLY GROSS!
5. Forgot to rotate the picture before uploading into blogger.....but you can get the gist of it. I GOT MY MAMMA CANNON BACK!!! The flippin' mother board went out and had to be replaced. Grrrrr, don't even want to talk about it. I am just so happy it is back home. Thank you, thank you, thank you to the Cannon people for fixing her and Shawn for getting her fixed!!!
6. One of the new books I am reading. Totally lifts my spirits and taps into my creative soul. Love this inspirational girl (Kelly Rae Roberts). And I am totally sick of my chubby self....why oh why do I have to be addicted to food? that blog for another day.
6. Bai with her teenage attitude look. This is what I have been seeing 80% of the time lately. Had to tell her the boy she is crushing on is ugly, to capture the 'look'....and now I am sharing with you.
7. My cousin Renae at the Labor Day ball-a-thon. I am sure she will hate this picture but I think she is adorable and I love seeing the Davis on the back. Brings back some memories. has been almost 16 years since I was a Davis. Funny how that feels.
8. Some how Shawn got talked into playing and then magically I was roped into here we are with Nae. Must say it was fun. I definitely do not miss the drama of the Davis's but I do miss my ever messed up and thin they may be. Also note...I didn't like being the oldest cousin there, however I act like I am 16 so it balanced out! LOL.
9. Need to go write a paper.
10. Want to go scrapbook.
11. Will go write a paper and listen to the Cubs play.
12. I totally love OUT LOUD Shawn!! He is having some medical things done and we are hoping for the best. Nothing like serious medical issues to make me reevaluate how much my life is entwined with Shawn. Cannot imagine my world without him.
13. And for lucky 13....HUGS and HAPPIES!