Bai is home sick with the flu...the bad pukey-achy-fever flu.
PUUULLLEEEZZZ let this bug stop with her and not be passed around.
Happy anniversary to the love of my life.
I can't believe that he has put up with me for 15 years of marriage (18 total of knowing him...can you flippin' believe that????). ;o)
We will celebrate this weekend.
Have I mentioned that I love my man?
Hugs and health.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Quick Little Catch Up List
1. I am behind in about everything.
2. As with most everyone I know or know of....we have been sick. Started with Mason and continued through. We all have had something a little bit different but right now we are all on the mend. Thankfully.
3. Winter is starting to honk me off. I know that I don't have it as bad as Leah (sorry Chickie) but YIKES! I am tired of the snow, slush and cold.
4. Mason is getting glasses. He said he was having trouble reading so he and I went in for an eye exam and yepppers he needs glasses. I was due for a new pair and am trying the transitions. Hope they work well. I would hate to be sitting in class with sunglasses on waiting for the transition to occur. LOL!
5. I made it to the dentist. Totally worked myself up over nothing. I have no cavities...YEAH. But I do have a fracture to a tooth way in the back from a childhood filing that I will have to have a crown put on....good times.
6. Just pressed the "easy" button and it made me laugh.
7. Teenager's really do a great job of making you feel like an monster.
8. Shawn bought me a epson picture mate for my anniversary present. AND I made me (yes really because I was going to put them back but I really really really wanted them and thought maybe I would get just one) buy TWO sets of Tim Holtz stamps. I L-O-V-E them. They cause bliss. My man knows me well and I cannot express in words how much I love him.
Gotta barking, dishes need done, anyone know what's for dinner? ;o)
Hugs and happies.
2. As with most everyone I know or know of....we have been sick. Started with Mason and continued through. We all have had something a little bit different but right now we are all on the mend. Thankfully.
3. Winter is starting to honk me off. I know that I don't have it as bad as Leah (sorry Chickie) but YIKES! I am tired of the snow, slush and cold.
4. Mason is getting glasses. He said he was having trouble reading so he and I went in for an eye exam and yepppers he needs glasses. I was due for a new pair and am trying the transitions. Hope they work well. I would hate to be sitting in class with sunglasses on waiting for the transition to occur. LOL!
5. I made it to the dentist. Totally worked myself up over nothing. I have no cavities...YEAH. But I do have a fracture to a tooth way in the back from a childhood filing that I will have to have a crown put on....good times.
6. Just pressed the "easy" button and it made me laugh.
7. Teenager's really do a great job of making you feel like an monster.
8. Shawn bought me a epson picture mate for my anniversary present. AND I made me (yes really because I was going to put them back but I really really really wanted them and thought maybe I would get just one) buy TWO sets of Tim Holtz stamps. I L-O-V-E them. They cause bliss. My man knows me well and I cannot express in words how much I love him.
Gotta barking, dishes need done, anyone know what's for dinner? ;o)
Hugs and happies.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Sunday Sharing
It is rainy and dreary here in central IL. They say there is suposed to be another snow storm on its way ... go figure. High winds, 3-7 inches of snow, ice, the good stuff. BLECK! I am really quite tired of winter however I feel bad for complaining because I choose to live in this icky-winter place
On this Sunday we are all cuddled up in our lounging clothes enjoying a day relaxing and a couple of us are bored. Not me, I am getting quite a few things is more like Shawn and Mason going a little stir crazy. Maybe they will find something to do here SOON!
Sharing some of my life in pictures and words:
My Valentine's gift from Shawn. A sweet card and a cactus. Yes, LOL! a catcus. He knows me OH-SO Well because I usually end up killing off any kind of plant with my non-green thumb (and feeling really bummed about it), and I think that roses are sooo completely over rated. Don't get me wrong they are beautiful and smell fabulous but they just don't make my heart smile. This cactus however, made me grin ear to flippin' ear!
I am not sure how I am getting anything done creatively. By looking at my 'studio', there is only total chaos!
Complete chaos! After I am done blogging, my goal is to spend time sorting, organizing, and finding breathing room in my space. Bet some of you are gasping in horror at this chaos. Am I right?
Like sunlight in a storm there is beauty in my chaos. This lovely girl is my butterfly punch. I have used this beauty many times this week. The sweet butterfly makes me happy....and she only cost me FIVE BUCKS! Gotta love that. AND you know what else is cool?? I can leave this punch on my desk and it LOOKS good because it stands upright with the butterfly showing and is a nice neutral color (when, of course, my 'studio' is organized and clean ;o).
A glimpse at the technique tag book the students will be making the first night of the class I am teaching. It is a simple class covering products and techniques. I am not quite done with this so right now I am holding the tags with a binder ring.
For our second night of class we are going to be putting together a few layouts. One of the layouts we will be doing from another layout. We will be learning the art of scraplifting. GASP!!! Yes, I said it....I will be coving scraplifting. I truly believe that most ideas are lifted or inpired by something in one way or another and scraplifting is the PERFECT way to develop techniques, confidence, and style. It is a way to find out what works for you and what doesn't. There are those who believe their idea should be set in gold and never used and they become all worked up at someone 'copying' their ideas...I could never understand that. If scrapbooking was only about originality then there wouldn't be the demand there is for all of the idea books and magazines and classes and the list goes on. Uh-OH, I seemed to have gone on a little tangent. Hehehe sorry about that ;o) Anyhoo my layout is inspired by a layout of Courney Kelly published in Scrapbook Trends.

On this Sunday we are all cuddled up in our lounging clothes enjoying a day relaxing and a couple of us are bored. Not me, I am getting quite a few things is more like Shawn and Mason going a little stir crazy. Maybe they will find something to do here SOON!
Sharing some of my life in pictures and words:

I cannot get enough of this book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is a long one - 900 and some pages, but it is worth all of the loss of sleep, un-done house work, and unfinished projects calling my name. If you like midevil stories of good and evil, love and hate, if you wonder what it was like waaaaaaaaaaay back in a barbaric world, if you want to be reminded of how good you have it and how far the human race has come....then read this book.
Thanks for taking the time to glance into my world. I love the connection.
Hugs and happies.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The Sickness is In Da House
Mason has been fighting what ever seems to be going around for the past few days but this morning he woke up with a 102 degree temp. Soooo, the poor guy has to stay home today(although he wants to go to school which is so flippin' amazing considering where he was a month and a half ago!). Hopefull with my bleach and lysol I can keep the bad germs away from the other members of this home.
Not much else going on here.
Reading a really great book called Pillars of the Earth. It has me captivated.
Going to go work on some projects for my class next week. Need to wrap up the details ;o)
Hope everyone is doing well.
Hugs and happies.
Not much else going on here.
Reading a really great book called Pillars of the Earth. It has me captivated.
Going to go work on some projects for my class next week. Need to wrap up the details ;o)
Hope everyone is doing well.
Hugs and happies.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Old and New
1. I was looking through some old pictures which totally cracked me up! I love the warm fuzzy feeling or the memories envoked from pictures.
2. While on my walk down old photographs past I stumbled across a file on the computer with old scrapbook pages pictured in it. This too made me smile because I love the evolution of my scrap art and the stories that I have captured. It isn't very often that I actually sit and look through my scrapbook albums.....and I am thinking that maybe I should more often because it really is an eye opener of how far you have come and how many paths you have travled.
1. I was looking through some old pictures which totally cracked me up! I love the warm fuzzy feeling or the memories envoked from pictures.
2. While on my walk down old photographs past I stumbled across a file on the computer with old scrapbook pages pictured in it. This too made me smile because I love the evolution of my scrap art and the stories that I have captured. It isn't very often that I actually sit and look through my scrapbook albums.....and I am thinking that maybe I should more often because it really is an eye opener of how far you have come and how many paths you have travled.
3. Let me share some of my scrapbook evolution.....
In 'Priceless' the blue squares down the side are actually paint chips from Lowes. It was the first time that I had encorporated something like that into my layout. It was also the first time that I lifted an idea from TV (the priceless commercials). I remember being so dang proud of myself ;o) While looking through the file of older layouts this one caught my eye and totally made me smile (although you cannot see the dimples as well in this copy, the original layout really popped those awesome dimples of Shawn and Mason).
This is the VERY FIRST artsy-fartsy layout of mine. I was completely inspired by Rebecca Sower's book Scrapbooking Life's Little Moments.
I 'reused' a card that Shawn had got for me in this layout (the teal part) and tried to mimic the swirls by creating my own embossed paper. I remember that this layout made me feel resourseful and I felt I had captured true memories by using the card.
My first ever 100% scraplifted layout. Right now I cannot remember who did the original but it was in a magazine. Thank you to who ever you may be for your inspiration. Also used the twisty wired found in toy packaging (that I had everyone collect for me that Christmas because I was going to used them for tons of stuff - ended up throwing away 100 billion twisty thingies) and tied the ribbon to it. Worked like a charm.
Last of my 'old' show and tell is a layout that literally made me LOL when I was looking through the file. The pictures of Mason truely show that he is one of a kind. LOVE the memories this layout brings back. Memories that have already began to fade. I am glad they are captured in my scrapbooks!
4. Winter here in central IL is getting old. The cold is getting old. The cooped up home is getting old. I am ready for spring.
The New:
1. I have a new butterfly punch. Yes.....totally ran out and bought the butterfly punch mentioned in Ali E's blog with my Michael's 50% off coupon. I love butterflies. Sara always said if she had the opportunity she would come back to visit as a butterfly. Butterflies capture my heart. So - I have made a butterfly collage card this afternoon inspired by Ms. Ali E. Thank you to that talented and creative woman!
2. Yesterday while driving to pick up Mason from school I glance in the rear view mirror and noticed (with the way my hair was pulled back) I had a bunch of new highlights that the light was capturing! So pretty......until a milisecond later when I realize I haven't highlighted my hair, nor have I been out in the sun for it to lighten. I look closer in the mirror and see all of the GRAY FREAKIN' HAIR!!! I am serious! Silver streaks - not blonde!! When in the holy heck did that happen?????????????It makes me totally laugh because I don't feel like I should have that much gray hair and it seems to shock me to have gray hair. However since no one (including Shawn who would totally tell me) has said anything, I think I will just pretend the silver is "highlights'. ;o)
3. I think that I have a new cavity. Boohooo, this totally makes me sad and a bit nervous. I really, really, really do not like the dentist. Not sure why, but seriously would rather do an OB visit than a dentist visit. That is bad, isn't it? I mean really! It is just a dentist visit - do it and move one, but nooooooo.....I have this weird thing with the whole dentist in which I get all worked up and cancel the appointment, then reschedule, then find another excuse .... such an ordeal. I don't think I have many phobia, however this one seems to be in the list of few.
4. Have a new blog back ground. Trying out the neutrals.
5. Recieved the new Simple Scrapbook Magazine and Cloth Paper and Scissors! Completely ready for some inspiration from them. In fact, I am going to go be Inspired!
Stay warm this week.
Hugs and happies!
EDIT***Having issues with my spacing....grrrrr! When I type my blog, the spacing is fine, double spaced in between the number however when I actually post the spacing is lost. What the heck?? Any advise?
Friday, February 8, 2008
Dang! It got away from me again!
Yes, another week gone!
Did I blog like I wanted to?
Do I even have anything to show for this week gone by?
Oh well, what can you do?
Just keep on keeping on.
Working the weekend...the joys of life.
So, I will be back the begining of next week....pinky promise.
Hugs and happies.
Did I blog like I wanted to?
Do I even have anything to show for this week gone by?
Oh well, what can you do?
Just keep on keeping on.
Working the weekend...the joys of life.
So, I will be back the begining of next week....pinky promise.
Hugs and happies.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Catching Up List
1. Cannot believe that it has been so long since I blogged! I should be arrested for blog neglect. A sweet friend of mine reminded me that even though I may think my life is boring she enjoys it....HA! So here is some catching up - in list format, of course ;o)
2. A photo to share with you of my "I {Heart} Inked Men" shirt. I wore this to the Kid Rock concert that Shawn and I went to. Yes, I said Kid Rock. It was a concert that Shawn wanted to see and it was in Bloomington (only 25 minutes aweay). A perfect place to wear my new (slightly too tight) T-shirt. The concert wasn't too bad. It got better for me the more I drank .... sorry Shawn, but you know it is true. Some of the people at the concert CRACKED ME UP! There really are some doozies out there.
3. A kiss for My 'inked man'....which is what my shirt should say because it really is only one man not all inked men.
4. Found this lovely picture on the baby cannon. Nice, huh? Mason seems to be taking after his photo loving sister because there were a slew of pictures of Mason doing different poses. But this pretending-to-nose-pick picture made me laugh out loud....literally.
5. Oh and yep....some more pictures on my camera. My photo taken loving daughter. Note to self: remind daughter that if she wants to take so many pictures in the mirror to clean it. Hehehehe.
6. Houston we have an icicle problem. This dangerous group of ice was out our back door. I have been on icicle patrol all weekend. Hopefully this spring we will have a new gutters on the back overhang. (Or the house sold, that would be nice).
7. Must say again (and again and again and again) just how incredibly thankful I am that Mason's medication has been working. We are going into week THREE without any problems before or durning school, no panic attacks, and he has even gone over to play at a friends house a few times with very little difficulty. I am soooooo very thankful.
8. Yesterday the craziest winter thunderstorm came through. I am not kidding there was fierce thunder rumbling, and the brightest lightening I have ever seen. This storm was sooo freaky. I cannot ever remember a thunder storm in the middle of winter. We ended up losing power -ALL NIGHT!- The power went out yesterday bout 4:30P (better there were some p-ed off football fans) and it didn't come back on until around 8:30 this morning. The kids have another day off of school. This makes a four day weekend for them because they had a snow day on Friday due to the snow storm.
9. Last night with no power we made blueberry pancakes and sausage by candle light. You can't really tell by this photo but there was enough light to see what we were doing. And we are very thankful for the gas stove ;o) Played a game of Disney Sorry by candle light after dinner with Mason the winner, which was a good thing because he was talking a bunch of smack. YES, when Shawn plays some how the smack talking of "you're going down" and "oh yeah, you gonna play like that then I am coming after you" begins. Makes me laugh actually. I tried to keep on the down low and go in for the win but it wasn't in the cards for me.
10. Ok, I bet you are tired of reading and I need to go get some things done. Hope all of you have had a fabulous week (last week) and that this coming up week totally ROCKS YOUR WORLD! Not going to proof this post so enjoy my typos....LOL!
Hugs and happies.
2. A photo to share with you of my "I {Heart} Inked Men" shirt. I wore this to the Kid Rock concert that Shawn and I went to. Yes, I said Kid Rock. It was a concert that Shawn wanted to see and it was in Bloomington (only 25 minutes aweay). A perfect place to wear my new (slightly too tight) T-shirt. The concert wasn't too bad. It got better for me the more I drank .... sorry Shawn, but you know it is true. Some of the people at the concert CRACKED ME UP! There really are some doozies out there.

8. Yesterday the craziest winter thunderstorm came through. I am not kidding there was fierce thunder rumbling, and the brightest lightening I have ever seen. This storm was sooo freaky. I cannot ever remember a thunder storm in the middle of winter. We ended up losing power -ALL NIGHT!- The power went out yesterday bout 4:30P (better there were some p-ed off football fans) and it didn't come back on until around 8:30 this morning. The kids have another day off of school. This makes a four day weekend for them because they had a snow day on Friday due to the snow storm.
9. Last night with no power we made blueberry pancakes and sausage by candle light. You can't really tell by this photo but there was enough light to see what we were doing. And we are very thankful for the gas stove ;o) Played a game of Disney Sorry by candle light after dinner with Mason the winner, which was a good thing because he was talking a bunch of smack. YES, when Shawn plays some how the smack talking of "you're going down" and "oh yeah, you gonna play like that then I am coming after you" begins. Makes me laugh actually. I tried to keep on the down low and go in for the win but it wasn't in the cards for me.

10. Ok, I bet you are tired of reading and I need to go get some things done. Hope all of you have had a fabulous week (last week) and that this coming up week totally ROCKS YOUR WORLD! Not going to proof this post so enjoy my typos....LOL!
Hugs and happies.
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