Friday, February 12, 2010

New and Old

A 'newer' picture of me. Although there is a big shadow of my hand and the camera across the picture making it look funny.... it is the most recent one of me. I haven't had my camera out much which is case in point of how choatic my world has been with this nursing school.

For our anniverseray Shawn got me in ipod touch. LOVE it! I know that I would totally love an iphone, but since AT&T sucks in our area and we have a different phone contract we are in.... the ipod touch will do. Must point out the thankfulness I have for a tax return which is why the splurge came in at this time when money is snug. Must also point out that I acknowledge and am a smidge bothered by spending money on something so unnecessary..... but oh the happiness! :O)

Survivor started last night and I LOVE IT! I have always been a Survivor fan and it is an especially good season because the best of the best and worst of the worst are all together to create great TV drama. Oh, and Colby.....sigh, love that Colby.

While speaking of TV.... a mention must be made of Modern Family. This show and the above mentioned Survivor are my therapy. I cannot tell you how much Modern Family made me laugh out loud, literally. It is a must see if you need some laughter therapy.

While driving in the car the other day I had a book on CD playing. When Mason got in the car he said "Mom, so you mean to tell me when you aren't reading, you listen to someone reading to you?!" I laughed and said, "I guess so" to which he replied "that is a bit much". Not sure why this little converstation made me smile but totally makes me S.M.I.L.E! Probably because I really do <3 reading so much that when I am not reading myself, I listen to someone read to me :-D


Finished some school work today. Tired, completley tired of school work. If I never have to write another paper it will be waaaaaaay to soon!

Winter, winter go away.... you are getting so old. You make me sad and cold. Go away now, I will see you next year.

Need a maid. An old maid would work but any will do. Tired of the constant cleaning and clutter in our home. Too tired to do it myself, I would rather be blogging :O)

I still love LIME GREEN! Makes me happy.

Hugs and Happies

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