Monday, November 17, 2008

Manic Monday

I had a brilliant weekend.
I chose to do very little of what I 'needed' to do and instead did more of what I 'wanted to do.
Again, I had a brilliant weekend.
However, like when you go out partying and are drinking, having a flippin' blast with uninhibited fun...eventually after too much, you end up throwing up. (Not that this has every happened to me, cough, cough...well at least not in the last 10 years!)
Today is my throwing up day.
My list is full.
My stress is high.
BUT!!!! My weekend was brilliant!
I created cool things...and even a couple of presents.
I read.
I slept in.
I wasted time.
I stalked blog...yes...YOU!!! Even if I didn't comment I was there!
I went to the Guns and Hoses hockey game (local game between fire department and police departments. Good times.

Bailey with her bf. They really are a cute little couple. I know this picture is out of focus but it totally made me LOL! She is so ornery...gets it from her daddy!
Mason cheering for our good friend Mike Fry (he was one of my paramedic partners and works for the fire dept)

An exciting kind of a slow motion way. LOL! Definitely not professional players. But fun! AND the Hoses won. WHOOOT WHOOOT! In OT no less!
Me and my man before he shaved his choom (that is Michelle-speak for a chin with a broom looking growth of hair off of it). THANK YOU, THANK YOU Shawn for trimming that off.

Me and Lisa with her new smarty pants glasses. And I am thinking (and have been, when I see certain pictures of myself) that my glasses are too big for my face. Not that I can do anything about if for another year...but I wonder what made me pick these big bad boys....hmmmm, probably because Shawn or Bailey wasn't there to help me. LOL!

And Shannon, I know you won't like this one but it made me happy seeing your picture on my camera....Lisa took this of you and you were "what the heck are you doing". LOL! I miss ya and hope you are having a fabulous week! AND I really like the haircut on ya!
A shout out to Leah.....cannot tell you (again and again and again) how much I love your photography. I have a couple of questions for you about resizing a picture. Let me know the best way to send you blog comment, email, facebook, etc ;O) Hugs to you girlie.
Another shout out to Donna. Sweet sweet Donna B, I'm taking a big sip of coffee and wishing you were my neighbor to share real live moments with you. Are you going to the Donna D Inspired next year????
And my last shout out is to or text me so we can have lunch. Love your new are such a cutie-patootie!
I should go now.
Need to make drug cards and a concept map for tomorrow's clinical.
Hugs and happies.


dr said...

Yeah for MMM!! Sometimes the hangover is just worth it. At least you have something to show for your 'binge'. hee hee
Bai's bf is cute- go Bai!!
Gotta love a good hockey game or football in my case- GEAUS TIGERS!!
I like your glasses- it's just the angle of the pic.
Thanks so much for the shout OUT- truly made my day. It's always heart worming when you know someone is thinking of you.(in a fond way)
Not gonna make "Inspired"- my neices are graduating the next weekend & 1 is getting married so unless I win the lotto I can't afford to take off for 2 weeks.8(
Off to get ready for the real world.

Leah said...

You are stinking funny!!! I laughed about your throwing up statement.

You can always send me a message on facebook. I will shoot you a message. Thanks for all your love -)

SKeenan76 said...

FUN!!! LOL! Loving the pics...too funny!!
